Part 3: Drinks and Happiness.

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Once we had returned to base we headed straight to Dr. Zola.

"Are you ready Dr. Zola?"

Schmidt asked as he rushed into the room handing me his coat. He walked over to his desk and wen't through some papers.

"My machine requires the most delicate calibration. Forgive me if I seem overcautious"

"Are you certain that those conductors of yours can withstand the energy surge long enough for transference?" he asks gesturing to Zola's machine.

"With this artifact, I am certain of nothing, I fear it may not work at all"

He turned around with the box that held the artifact and placed it n the table, Zola looked in complete wonder as Schmidt opened the box allowing the blue light to illuminate the room. I walked over closer to the table as he took the Tesseract out of the box and gently settled it into Mr. Zola's machine. Zola quickly turned away and put his goggles on, he then turned the machine on.

"Twenty percent"



"Stabilizing at 70%"

Schmidt turned and walked over to him.

"I have not come all this way for safety, doctor"

He turned the machine higher, earning a blue light to erupt from the machine surrounding us in a domelike thing. I looked around me trying to figure out what was going on, then I heard something go out and I turned around to see Zola's machine fried.

"What was that?" Zola asks in a whispering tone.

"I must congratulate you, Arnim. Your designs do not disappoint. Though they might require some slight reinforcement" he says looking around at all of the machines.

"The exchange is stable. Amazing! The energy we have just collected could power my designs, all my designs. This will change the war"

"Dr. Zola, this will change the world"

~~Steve P.O.V~~

"Ready, Exercise!"

"Recruits, Attention!"

We all stood straight our heads up and forward, no sudden movements.

"Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter. I supervise all observations for this division"

I look over to her.

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria. I thought I was signing up for the U.S army." Hodge asks.

"What's your name, soldier"

"Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty"

"Step forward, Hodge."

He steps out of line and stands in front of her.

"Put your right foot forward"

"We gonna wrassle, 'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like"

She then punches him in the face making him fall to the ground. I look up from my check board and smile.

"Agent Carter!"

"Colonel Phillips," she says spinning around.

"I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good! Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line til somebody comes tells you what to do" he says walking over to Hodge.

"Yes, Sir," he says standing up.

"General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men" he stops for a second but continues. "And because they are going to get better. Much better. The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied Effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history. But every army starts with one man"

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