Part 8: Friend of a Friend

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♤Some kind of a different beginning  lol♧

'Backflip, roundhouse, dodge, punch.' All i did was train. Whenever i wasnt on Schmidt's leash i trained or underwent more experiments. I could bearly think for myself and the thoughts that went through my head just eminated death, killing or protecting the one thing i knew to protect. Johan Schmidt.

I couldnt... remember before the day i woke up on that bed. The rough stiff bed that i usually slept in, locked behind a steel door. Specifically made to hold a 'Soldier' like myself. It seemed like i was just born that exact day, new thoughts filling the empty void of darkness that was my mind.

Along these thoughts was a single string or commands. They were only said when direly necessary, war, an unexpected breach that Hydra couldnt take care of themselves. The words were dangerous when said, i hear them and loose all sense of my mind. Slipping into a dark unescapable rage set on one and only one thing. Killing.

I slightly grunt as i am finally hit by my competitor. Training of course, usually the only action i am capable of beside walking, sleeping or breathing. I was fighting the usual opponent, a higher ranked Hydra soldier that was unlucky enough to not heed Schmidt's comand when he was supposed to.

A quick snarl and i charge the man, he was ready for me but i was already 6 steps ahead of him. Instead of going right at him i duck and drop, swiping my feet under his. He flies up and into the air flipping a few times, while giving me a chance to unsheathe my knife and plunge it into his heart as his body fought with gravity and fell to the ground.

I stand up and stare down at his corpse, exhaling from my nose i turn around and am met by the sound of clapping hands.

Schmidt. He was standing at the doorway as though he had just strolled in.

"Perfect mein young Successor. You excede my expectations to at a higher peak every day." He walks into the room and towards me, im unmoving, still... his hand reaches to the unkempt piece of hair falling in my face from my messy braid and tucks it behind my ear.

I wanted to move but i just couldn't, i couldnt make any moves that were unexpected.

"My bases, my departments, my weapons" he agressively tightens my suit at the neck,  and i internally wince. "Having all been destroyed at the hands of that verdammt solidier. You are tasked." He licks his thumb and rubs out a splat of blood on my suits shoulder. "With protecting the train that will be transporting the weapons to another base, we must relocate. Are you understood Mein Schatten." Finishing his words his blood red face raises to meet mine.

"Ja, Sir, ich werde meine Mission erfolgreich ausführen." My reply is in the only language i know to speak. But i feel like this is not my tongue... what was it again?


Steve stands with his team on the side of a mountain, preparing for the train scheduled to pass by any minute. One of their last hydra missions and they could take a break to have some drinks.

"Remember when i made you ride the cyclone at coney island?" Bucky suddenly asks anylizing the height at which they were to ride the zipline from.

"Yeah, and i threw up?" Steve says remembering the traumatic memory.

"This isnt payback isnt?" He looks at his friend. "Now why would i do that." Steve deadpans sarcastically.

After tuning through most of the radio currents Jones, and his helping partner finally discovered what they were looking for. "We were right. Dr. Zola's on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever hes going, they must need him bad, but he's being protected by something. Be careful." The soldier notifies his team, steve and bucky listening closely and nodding in return.

Steve fastens his helmet and they prepare for deploy, just as their watchman sees the scheduled train coming their way fast. "Lets get going, because theyre moving like the devil." The man notifys. "We only got about a 10 second window. You miss that window were bugs on a windshield." Steve yells out over the loud wind and train, so his team can hear. Just as he clips his pulley onto the zipline "Mind the gap" their watchman yells again.

"Better get movin bugs!" Dungan yells out with a chuckle before their radio man yells out a deployment in french. Steve takes off first, then bucky and another team mate. Landing right on top if the train, they crouch and run along the train to a ladder. Going first as always steve boards the train and looks around scanning the area of any enemies.

Bucky aims around having landed after the spangled man. Walking through the train cart steve looks around confused, shouldnt there have been something... anything, or anyone here. He looks back at his friend for a second before continuing through a doorway, only for it to slam shut behind him cutting him off from his team.

Turning around quickly steve sees his buddy start shooting at a few men in all black suits. The sound of a charge sounds behind Steve, paying so much attention to his team he bearly has the time to look back before quickly tumbling behind a crate, successfully dodging the deadly weapon. Peeking over the crate he sees a man wearing same outfit but a lot larger, and wearing a backpack that connected to the large gun he was holding in his hand, which also smoked from the previous shot.

The two face off, the big guy follows his order and starts to shoot again, and again at the Captain only missing every time. Taking his chance though as the mans gun needed to cool, he took his shot and grabbed onto a mechanism on the roof and slid towards him, protecting himself with his shield and kicking the guy in his chest. Sending him into the wall behind him and knocking the man unconsious. Using the mans gun he blew a hole in the fuse box and ran to the door. On the other side Bucky sat behind a crate after shooting off his last bit of ammunition at the enemy, taking action steve slid the door open and took out his own gun. Motioning to it bucky noticed and caught the gun once steve tossed it to him.

Running out Steve used his sheild and shoved a case, causing the hydra soldier to sidestep giving bucky the chance to shoot him pointblank, sending him to the ground. "I had him on the ropes" Bucky sighed out.

"I know you did" steve panted back.

The sound of a familiar rev up caught them off guard but Steve reacted first. "Get down!" He called. The two hopped out if the way resulting in yet another missed shot.

A growl then sounded and the man in the doorway was pushed out of the way. Revealing Johan's bodyguard. Steve pushes off the floor with a grunt and looks at the woman. Walking to him she picks him up and tosses him into a wall before taking hold of the berserker's gun and charging it up in his direction.

Attempting to help his friend Bucky gets up and shoots her 3 times in the back. She flinches at each shot and turns to him before aiming the shot of energy towards him. It fires blowing a hole in the side of the train, shaking the entire train on its track. Bucky is thrown out with the piece of metal only now hanging on for dear life to a protruding pipe.

"No!" Steves voice yells out and shes hit with Steve's sheild at full strength sending her flying out of the train.

"Bucky, hang on!" Steve climbs out and on the side of the train attempting to reach his friend. Once he gets as close as he can he reaches to him. "Grab my hand!" Bucky tries and just as their about to make it the pipe breaks and Bucky falls to his death, screaming and reaching out for his friends the entire fall.


"Tomorrow hydra will stand, master of the world, born to victory on the wings of the Valkyrie. Our enemies' weapons will be powerless against us. If they shoot down one plane hundreds more will rain fire upon them." Red skull grabs his glass. "If they cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail hydra!"

Raising his glass the entirety of the Hydra army echos him, yelling out Hail Hydra with their arms outstretched. Hundreds of rows of hydra soldiers, nearly filling up the warehouse, it's seems they are going to war.

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