No Way Out

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We Are Fighters (Season: 2)
Episode 1: No Way Out

Yokoshi, Damion Douglas, Marie Rose, Hitomi, Honoka, and Eliot encountered a woman of the past named Naotora Ii. She was a graceful ruler of her pack, known as the Ii Clan. Sadly, she was pulled from her time by a man named Victor Donovan and thrown into the future. With the help of her new friends, Naotora set out on a mission to return to her respective timeline. Although they succeeded, it did not last long. Two unfamiliar faces from the future arrived to recapture Naotora. Together, Yokoshi and his friends worked on defending the Ii clan ruler and protect her. However, the mission failed, when they were forced to return to their own time...with Naotora. With the efforts of their parents, Damion, Marie Rose, Hitomi, Eliot and Honoka managed to make it back home. As for Yokoshi...he sacrificed himself and stayed behind, within the past.

On The Freedom Survivor...

Helena: Explain yourselves.

Damion: ...

Marie Rose: ...

Stryker: Kids, answer your mother!

Marie Rose: We're...We're sorry.

Damion: We had to do it.

Stryker: Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you could've gotten into?

Helena: You could have changed the course of history made our future into a mess.

Damion: Mom, we didn't have a choice! Naotora was in trouble, we had to help her.

Stryker: Sending her home is one thing. We understand that. But you crossed the line...

Marie Rose: What do you mean?

Helena: You explained you came across two unfamiliar faces?

Naotora: Y-Yes...I did not remember them, from the village.

Stryker and Helena looked at each other, believing that there was a perfect explanation.

Damion: Me and Honoka actually managed to hold them off.

Stryker: This time.

Damion: What do you mean?

Helena: They were not fighting to kill you.

Stryker: They were testing you. Learning your skills.

Damion: Well, they were strong. I'll give them that.

Helena: Did they ever give a name?

Damion: No, they didn't.

Helena: Was one of them a woman?

Honoka: Yes! One of them was.

Helena: There is only one woman who would do Donovan's dirty work.

Stryker: You mean...

Helena: Yes...her.

Stryker: You said there was another with the woman. Who was it?

Damion: A know-it-all tough guy.

Stryker: So it was a man. Anyone you might know?

Helena: No.

Damion: The guy had these strange markings on his arms. Like...blueprints.

Stryker & Helena: Blueprints?

Eliot: What are we going to do though? About Yokoshi?

Zack: The kid's right. My son is still out there, in the past.

Underground Noobies: We Are Fighters (Season: 2)Where stories live. Discover now