Chaos At The Dead Or Alive Tournament (Part. 1)

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The tournament began and the first fighters to start up was Ethan Armstrong against someone by the name of Jann Lee. Both fighters had determination, burning in their eyes. Each one was ready to battle.

Ethan: I heard you were pretty strong. Crazy strong, for that matter.

Jann Lee: Yeah and what about you? Are you a challenge for me?

Ethan: Looks like you're about to find out.

Ethan got into position and stood in his battle stance, ready to make his move. Jann Lee did the same, as he was jumping around, waving his arms around.

Ethan: Let's see what you've got...

Get Ready...FIGHT!

When the bell rang, Ethan and Jann Lee both rushed at each other, throwing a punch at one another. Elsewhere, at the view point window, Damion was watching, as the tournament started. Without noticing, someone had walked up beside him. It was his sister; Marie Rose.

Marie Rose: I really hope this plan of yours works, brother.

Damion: Have a little faith, sis. Donovan and his goons will show.

Marie Rose: And what happens, when they do?

Damion: Then we'll jump in, if they try anything.

Marie Rose: By we you mean yourself, Ethan and Eliot, right?

Damion: Nope. We're not gonna be doing all the work now.

Marie Rose: Then what is it that you want us to do?

Damion: Watch out for Naotora. No doubt Donovan will try and take her.

Marie Rose: Got it. And what of mother and father?

Damion: They're with Bayman. They'll keep an eye out.

Marie Rose said nothing else. She simply nodded and walked off. Damion continued watching the tournament, with a smile on his face. He seemed so calm and relaxed, like his plan would succeed, without fail. In another room, Marie Rose walked in to see Hitomi, Leifang, Eliot, Honoka, Naotora, Kasumi, Phoebe and Momiji watching the screen. They were watching the tournament.

Leifang: Do you think Ethan has a chance?

Hitomi: Who knows. Jann Lee is pretty tough.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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