Whispers In The Dark

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In the city, Ethan and Leifang were wandering around, looking for clues or signs of ninjas.

Leifang: What are you doing?

Ethan: Looking.

Leifang: For what?

Ethan: Signs...or clues. If ninjas were seen in the city, they must've left a sign or something.

Leifang: You think it'll be easy to find?

Ethan: I didn't say that.

Leifang: What exactly are we looking for?

Ethan: Something that looks like a ninja would possess.

Leifang: You mean like this?

Ethan turned to Leifang's attention and noticed she was holding some kind of dagger.

Ethan: EXACTLY like that!

Leifang: What's this strap?

Ethan: No idea. Could be some sorta sign.

Leifang: A sign?

Ethan: Yeah, this might belong to someone. And this strap is a sign as to who.

Leifang: So then the rumors were true.

Ethan: Yeah, only question...is to figure out where they went.

Meanwhile, Damion, Eliot, Marie Rose, Honoka and Hitomi were searching for clues that could lead them to Yokoshi. During their search, they came across Rachel, who seemed to have been waiting for them.

Damion: Rachel...

Rachel: What kept you?

Honoka: Investigating.

Rachel: So I see.

Damion: Did you pick up any info?

Rachel: Nothing deep but some rumors.

Hitomi: Like what? What did you hear!?

Rachel: Some of the people have seen a man, wandering with small crew. One of them was holding a kid.

Marie Rose: A kid?

Rachel: That's right. Around the same age as Damion.

Damion: That's GOTTA be Yokoshi!

Hitomi: Where is he?

Rachel: No telling. He disappeared, just like that. Hopped into a limo and...that was that.

Eliot: Now what do we do?

Damion: We gotta find a way to track down that limo.

Marie Rose: And how're we gonna do that?

Perhaps I can be of help.

The group turned to the right and saw someone, standing. She was a young Japanese lady with amber eyes and long black possibly knee length hair tied in a topknot style ponytail. Like Hitomi, she had a very voluptuous body and is well endowed. She was wearing red top and beige shorts, with black shoes.

Rachel: Well, well, well. Long time, no see, eh?


Damion: I take it you two know each other?

Rachel: Yes. This is...

Allow me, to do the honors. My name is Momiji. And I am a Shrine Maiden.

Eliot: Shrine Madien?

Momiji: Yes. To the Hayabusa clan.

Damion: Haya...whata?

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