Request From The Shadows

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While walking through the forest, the vibe of awkwardness and tension surrounded the crew. Hayate led Damion and his group to the Hayabusa village.

Hayate: So...what's your connection to this Yokoshi?

Damion: ...He's my best friend.

Hayate: ......

Damion: And I'd do anything to help him.

Hitomi: We all would.

Arriving at the village, Hayate led them inside the little shack. Damion and his friends were face-to-face with the legend himself. While the others were sitting in front of Hayabusa, Hayate and Ayane, Damion was the only one who was standing. Suddenly, he bowed to Hayabusa.

Damion: Ryu name is...

Hayabusa: Damion Douglas-Flynn. I know exactly who you are. The son of Stryker and Helena.

Damion: Yes. We're here to seek your help.

Hayabusa: To find your missing friend.

Damion: Yes.

Hayabusa: ......

Eliot: We think Donovan has something to do with all of this.

Hayabusa: Victor Donovan? And why would you assume that?

Marie Rose: Because SHE is here because of him.

From behind Damion, Naotora walked up and bowed, in front of Hayabusa.

Hayabusa: Is this who I think it is?

Naotora: My name is Naotora. The graceful leader of the Ii clan.

Ayane: Is that even possible?

Damion: She's right in front of you, is she not?

Hayate: Ryu?

Hayabusa: ......

Naotora and Damion explained their entire situation, leaving Hayate and Ayane in shock.

Hayabusa: It definitely sounds that Donovan is responsible.

Honoka: All we want is to send Naotora back home.

Hitomi: AND find Yokoshi.

Damion: Please, we need your help. There's no one else we can turn to.

Hayabusa: Your story is almost hard to believe. And you all have been through much. But...I'm afraid I cannot be involved.

Hitomi: What?

Naotora: But why, Mr. Hayabusa?

Hayabusa: I have history with your mother, Damion. We worked together. And after you were born, I made a promise that I would not have her children involved with danger. That is not my place.

Damion: Ao you're just like my parents and all the other adults, huh? Just useless.

Hayate: ......

Ayane: ......

Damion: I came here, hoping to get some help from the big guy himself. But your NO help at all.

Ayane: Hey! Watch what you say to master Ryu!

Damion: I see where you got your selfishness, Hayate.

Hayate: ...!

Damion: If we can't rely on ANY adult help, then we'll do this on our own.

Hayabusa: You know that if your parents discover your intentions...

Damion: Then we'll deal with it. We have before.

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