The Magic Touch

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We Are Fighters (Season: 2)
Episode 2: The Magic Touch

Leading the group of friends to a house in the middle of nowhere, Rachel brought the kids to a house. It looked like a ranch and the crew began walking towards the door. Rachel knocked on the door. It didn't take long for someone to answer it. Opening the door was a woman, around the same height as Rachel. This woman had peach-colored skin and sapphire-blue eyes, along with short blonde hair. She was wearing a black jacket with a yellow hoodie underneath, blue denim shorts, a black hat with a white star, a silver pendant, black fingerless grappling gloves, a white belt and white knee-high boots.

Well, look who it is.

Rachel: Good to see you too...Tina.

Tina: I didn't think I'd be seeing you again.

Rachel: Been busy. Work and all that.

Tina: Right. So what's up with the visit?

Rachel: I need to speak to your husband.

Eliot: Wait a second, Tina is married now!?

Damion: Dude, not the time.

Tina: What's this about?

Rachel: It's urgent, Tina. Someone is missing and your husband might be able to help us.

Tina was silent, for a few second but eventually nodded, allowing the others entrance, into her house. As the group walked inside, Tina placed her hand in front of Rachel, asking them to stay put. She began walking off, into the garage.

Eliot: I had no idea Tina was married.

Hitomi: Neither did I.

Rachel: She kept it a secret, knowing how her father would react.

Damion: She kept her marriage from her dad?

Rachel: They both agreed it was better that way.

Coming back, Tina walked out of the garage and back with the group.

Rachel: Is he here?

Tina: He's here but it'll be a minute. He's workin' on somethin'.

Out of nowhere, the group began hearing footsteps above them. It seemed as though someone was upstairs...and heading down their level. The group go a glimpse of black track pants with a white Union Jack design by the side, and also sports shoes (specifically designed for parkour). When the stranger came all the way downstairs, they got a full view of him. Yes, it was man but seemed to be a little older than most of the kids. The boy had thick hair, and a thick, noticeable beard. His accessories included bandages, some rope necklaces, and tattoos with designs.

I didn't know who had guests over. Would've been nice if you gave me the heads up.

Tina: I would have...but they showed up, without me knowing.

So I see. I never would've guessed you are friends with a couple of shrimps.

Damion: Watch it, dude. Who the hell are you, anyway?

Rachel: This is Tina's son, Ethan Armstrong.

Everyone (except Rachel, Tina and Ethan): SON!?

Ethan: That's right. And who are all of you?

Damion: I'm Damion. Damion Douglas.

Ethan: Now I're that rich snob. Helena produced you?

Damion: What the hell did you just say? I outa...

Marie Rose: Brother, just relax, would ya?

Ethan: And who might you be?

Underground Noobies: We Are Fighters (Season: 2)Where stories live. Discover now