The Return

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We Are Fighters (Season: 2)
Episode 3: The Return

When arriving to the past, the group made their way back to the village and saw that nothing has changed.

Naotora: This is my village.

Eliot: It's good to see that nothing has changed.

Honoka: But where is Yokoshi?

Hitomi: He wasn't in the woods, right?

Damion: That's where we last saw him.

Marie Rose: So what do we do now?

Rachel: I'll take a look around the forest and see if he's there or not.

Ethan: Lemme help you. Two heads is better than one.

Marie Rose: That may not be a good idea.

Eliot: She's right. You could end up getting lost.

Damion: I'll go with Rachel. You guys ask around, see if anyone knows anything.

The group nodded, in agreement, as Rachel and Damion took off.

Eliot: So...who do we ask first?

Naotora: I'll ask my Naomasa and see if he has noticed anything.

Kasumi: Then we will ask around as well.

Honoka: Wait, won't Ethan and Rachel stick out? Won't your clan known we aren't from your time?

Ethan: Doesn't matter. We're here to find your friend, nothing more.

Eliot: But if we don't blend it, we could change history.

Ethan: Seriously?

Hitomi: The slightest change could effect what we know about history. It's best to be careful.

Ethan: Well unless you have new threads, there's nothing we can do.

Eliot: He has a point, Hitomi.

Hitomi: ......

Marie Rose: Let's just ask around and see if Yokoshi was spotted.

Hitomi: Right. Same with the two strangers.

Kasumi: You all said that Yokoshi was fighting against two strangers.

Honoka: Yes, they came looking for Naotora.

Eliot: We think they're responsible for kidnapping her...

Marie Rose: And sending her into the future.

Kasumi: Damion mentioned one of them had blueprints on their arms?

Honoka: That's what he said to his parents.

Kasumi: Then let us ask around.

The group got to work, asking around, hoping to gather information. Sadly, they couldn't find anything that revealed or led to Yokoshi. With no leads, the group gathered back together.

Hitomi: Did you all find anything?

Eliot: Nothing.

Marie Rose: No one knows anything.

Honoka: How are we going to find Yokoshi?

Ethan: Maybe she knows.

The group looked and saw that Naotora was walking back to them.

Honoka: Naotora!

Eliot: Did you find out anything?

Naotora: Yes. It isn't much...but it's better than nothing.

Underground Noobies: We Are Fighters (Season: 2)Where stories live. Discover now