From The Shadows

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At Ethan's house, the group was beginning to take off and start their mission.

Tina: You be safe out there, you hear?

Ethan: I'll be fine, mom. Don't forget, you taught me how to defend myself.

MacGrath: Still, we know nothing about this MIST or what kind of man Donovan is.

Ethan: Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna experience that for myself.

Damion: This isn't a vacation. We're going to find Yokoshi. Not start a fight.

Eliot: But what if we can't avoid the fights?

Ethan: Then we FIGHT!

Damion: Only if necessary.

Ethan: Which might be...all the time.

Honoka: Well, come on! Let's go find Yokoshi!

Kasumi: Right. But first, we must stop by New Zack Island.

Damion: Whys that?

Kasumi: There's someone I want to check in with, before we leave.

Damion: Sure thing. Who is that?

When the group arrived on the island, Kasumi walked through the front door and saw Zack and Lisa, passed out, on the couch. Kasumi snuck passed them and into the room. When she stared at the empty room, she started getting flashbacks of her time with Yokoshi. The pointless smiles he'd share with her, the laughs they threw at each other. It seemed like Yokoshi was Kasumi's one thing for happiness. Suddenly, she was snapped back to reality, when someone walked passed her.

Kasumi: You're still here.

Yes, where have you been?

Kasumi: Still searching for Yokoshi.

Have you found him yet?

Kasumi: No...but Damion believes he is within MIST.

MIST? Why would Yokoshi be there? What business does he have with Donovan?

Kasumi: I am not sure. But we are going to find out.

Then let me come. I want to help find him.

Kasumi: You know you can't leave the islands. If you are discovered by anyone...

I cannot sit here, if he is in trouble. I must know that he is okay.

Kasumi: I am concerned, just as much as you. But your safety is what Yokoshi would want.

Just like yours?

Kasumi turned around and saw that Damion had walked in.

Kasumi: Damion.

Damion: Sorry but I got a little impatient. Who is this?

Kasumi: This...this is my...

Damion: Lemme guess. This is another that Yokoshi is protecting?

Kasumi: Yes, she is a tool created by Donovan.

Damion: Tool? What do you mean?

Kasumi: I cannot reveal that to you. Not without Yokoshi's permission.

You can call me Phoebe.

Damion: Phoebe? Alright then. Nice to meet you.

Phoebe: I heard that Yokoshi is with MIST.

Damion: We aren't sure of that yet.

Phoebe: Please, I want to help. Allow me to come with you.

Damion: If Yokoshi is protecting you, then it's probably not a good idea.

Underground Noobies: We Are Fighters (Season: 2)Where stories live. Discover now