Return and Investigation

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At DOATEC, Stryker and Helena were still waiting on upcoming details on the whereabouts of their children.

Helena: Has there been any word from the Hayabusa village?

Stryker: Nothing yet, my dear. But I promise I'll dig up whatever I can.

Helena: Their devotion to Yokoshi is remarkable. But it is also dangerous.

Stryker: Agreed, They're playing right into Donovan's hands.

Out of nowhere, one of the guards rushed over to the married couple.

Guard (1): Master Stryker! Lady Helena!

Stryker: What's going on?

Guard (1): On the TV. You two might wanna see this.

The guard walked to the television and turned it to a specific channel. Stryker and Helena seemed concerned. When the guard changed the channel, everyone was shocked to see who it was Damion Douglas-Flynn.

[Damion]: Good day, everyone. My name is Damion Douglas-Flynn. As you know, I am the oldest child of Stryker Fairchild Flynn & Helena Douglas. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking to you, on behalf of my mother reformed company; DOATEC.

Helena: Damion?

Stryker: What the hell is he doing?

[Damion]: It is with great honor for me to announce that I will be hosting the sixth Dead or Alive tournament!

Everyone inside the Freedom Survivor, began making a commotion. Even Damion's parents were shocked.

Helena: No...

Stryker: What does he think he's doing!?

As Damion continued with the announcement, elsewhere, Honoka, Marie Rose and Eliot had traveled to another far off village, under Damion's request. As for Ethan, he was searching for the whereabouts of a man named Bayman.

[Damion]: So, this is a message to ALL those who consider themselves the strongest fighters. Do you think you have what it takes to claim the title as "the best?" If you do, then sign yourself up for the biggest tournament yet. No need to be shy...or stay in the shadows.

And with that, the announcement ended. In another location, someone else was also watching the announcement. Whoever it was, it appeared to be a man, wearing a white pinstripe suit and has blonde hair that seems to be slicked completely back. As for his face, it was completely hidden behind a mask. Suddenly, someone walked up to the suited figure. He appeared to be a tall man and had a lean muscular build and a square jaw as well as a handsome yet chiseled face. He was a brunette and his hair had been styled into a buzz cut with a couple of visible lines shaved out at the front hairline. He also had many tattoos along his arms and a couple on his torso, none of which had been colored. He also had brown eyes with what appeared to be a cut above his right eye on his eyebrow, which as a result made his eyes looks slightly somewhat asymmetric at certain points or angles. His outfit was a black, sleeveless hoodie which exposes the front of his torso and baggy stone-washed jeans complete with wristbands and a belt with a pouch on his right hip.

Underground Noobies: We Are Fighters (Season: 2)Where stories live. Discover now