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EDITED: October 20, 2015


"Ugh. Why do all these fanfics have the same story line?" Emily says, scrolling through wattpad on her phone. She's obsessed with the app. She says it helps her active imagination and soothes her fangirling needs. Whatever that means. Sometimes, I wonder how she even became my best friend...

"Why are you even reading fanfictions? Isn't it a little weird to read about an actual person?" The pillow that hits me in the head tells me what her answer is right away.

"No, not if I don't know them, Stasia." Emily scoffs, clearly offended by my accusations. I will never understand the mind of an obsessed fangirl.

Rolling my eyes I grab the long list of groceries off the counter. "Woah, Em. Did you give birth to triplets? This list is huge for just two people!" And it is. She's written a long list of useless foods that I'll probably have to skip. We don't have unlimited amounts of money that we can just throw around for whatever she wants. Sometimes, she doesn't understand that concept of being able to run out of stuff.

Emily shrugs. "Girls have needs."

"Such as a jumbo pack of corndogs?" I ask, reading from the list. Out of all the stuff she's written on here, this is definitely not the worst. But it is a bit odd.

"Just go to the store and fetch me my necessities, you whorehead." Whorehead is a nickname Emily gave me last year for no apparent reason except for the excuse to mumble profanities. It seems to have satisfied her for the time being, but I have no idea what she'll come up with once that starts to bore her.

"Calm yourself, Em." I grab my phone and head towards the door, not caring that I may look like a bucket of snot. "I'm going to the store."

"Okay. Don't bother asking me to come." She retorts. Em can be a bit much for most people, but then again, so can I. We are a very intimidating pair. We say it like it is. Sometimes it's a blessing, other times a curse.

I groan and walk out the door alone, heading towards the elevators and pressing the down button. Elevators are helpful most of the time. When they actually work.

Ding. The doors open and the first thing I see is blond guy about my age. And it's not hard to tell that he's arrogant by the way he stands confidently in his swimming trunks. It's like he lives without a shirt on. Stepping in, I press the lobby button.

I watch the doors close in silence and everything is quiet. I shift from foot to foot and glance at the boy again. He seems a little familiar, but I just ignore the feeling. I may have just seen him wandering in this hotel before. I admit, I don't have the greatest memory.

I look at my phone, trying to get rid of some of the awkwardness and curse when I realize that I didn't charge my phone last night. It was almost dead.

The elevator suddenly stops going down and jerks to a stop. The lights flicker on and off before going off. I suck in a breath and back up until I'm in a corner.

I saw a movie like this once. It was called 'Devil' and every time the lights went off, a person would be slaughtered. And one of those people were the Devil and you had to guess who it was. And I'm definitely not the Devil. That only left blondie over there.

The lights come back on and I exhale in relief when I see the blonde still alive. Am I paranoid or what?

The guy leans his head back and bangs it against the wall. "Seriously? This happens now out of all the other times it could possibly happen?" His voice is deeper than I expected, which surprises me. It actually reminds me of my brother.

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