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Ashton smiles at me when I head over to the other couch where Emily, Michael, and him are watching Carlie dominate Luke and Calum.

Has anyone ever noticed how perfect Ashton Irwin's smile is? No? Okay.

I sit in the spot beside Ashton that hasn't been taken yet and wait for him so say something, seeing as I'm not a good speaker in these types of situations.

You see, sarcasm is my first language. And it's the language that only some people bring on and Ashton is not one of those people. Sarcasm is mostly for annoying people.

Or stupids.

"Hey, what do you say we get outta here?" Ashton suggests, glancing awkwardly at Carlie and Luke. Basically what I was doing right now. Who holds hands while they try to play Fifa?

"I say hell yes." We stand up and make our way out into the hallway and down to the stairs and elevators. Hopefully we're taking the stairs.

Ashton goes up to the elevator and presses the down button, but before the elevator doors are even open, I start freaking out. "Can we not go in an elevator? There are perfectly good stairs waiting to be walked on."

Ashton gives me a weird look before he finally understands. "Oh, yeah. You were the one stuck in the elevator with Luke.

"Um, yeah." I turn and lead the way to the stairs, but when we get there, I block the doorway and look up at Ashton with questioning eyes. "What are we gunna do?"


I roll my eyes. "What did we leave to do?"

Ashton's eyes widen. "Oh, yeah, that." He puts a hand through his hair and blows out a long breath. "I was just going to take you back to our suite for a drink and we could play something like twister."

"Twister?" I start to smile at the ironic statement he just made. "Are you like two or something?"

Ashton grins. "Just come on. It'll be fun. You'll see."


The alcohol stings as it goes down, but I don't care. I am having the time of my life.

"What do I do?" I say, my voice loud and my stance wobbley.

"Left hand, red." Ashton and I are wasted. So drunk that we can barely tell our left from our right.

After a few seconds of thinking which hand is my left, I move onto a red dot, putting me in a crab position.

"Now me." Ashton says before resolving into a fit of laughter for no apparent reason, but it makes me laugh.

I spin the spinner with my foot. "Right hand, blue."

"I can't reach!" Ashton stretches his arm, but to get it on blue, he'll have to reach over me.

"You look like spiderman right now." I giggle, making me wobble and almost fall.

"Got it!" Ashton touches the blue, but then collapses on me moments later, making our faces inches appart.

"Sup." I say, giggling.

Ashton starts to lean in making me stop giggling and widen my eyes.

I am suddenly a lot more sober than I am drunk.

I don't know if I like Ashton, but I know that Luke makes it hard for me to like anyone else right now. "SPIDER!"

Ashton pulls away and whips around. "Where? I don't see anything."

"Oh, um, I thought I saw a spider."

"Okay." Ashton pulls away all the way and stands up, offering me a hand.

When I take it, he pulls me up shoves his hands in his pockets.

"So I guess we lost."

I feel like laughing at what he says, but I hold it in. "Yeah. This game is too hard for drunk people." I can't help but laugh now. "I can't believe I am drunk at eleven in the morning."

Ashton makes a face. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Why are you sorry? This is the most fun I've had in forever." I chug the rest of the alcohol out of the bottle, it burning my thoat on the way down, but not caring at all. "Dance with me."

I grab Ashton's hands and pull him farther into the living room space. "There's no music." Ashton says, laughing.

I stop smiling and pause in thought, bringing a hand up to my chin and looking around. My eyes land on a drum set in the corner along with a few guitars and microphones.

I smirk and walk over to the drums. "Then let's make some music." Sitting on the huge stool, I grab the drumsticks and start banging randomly on them, ignoring the faint throbbing in my head. "I need Ashton arms." I set the drumsticks down and rub my barely-there-biceps. "This is so much work."

Ashton grins and shakes his head, standing behind me. "Okay, grab the sticks."

I grab the sticks and wait for my next order. Ashton grabs my hands and gives me a rhythm. "You have to have a rythym first. Try following my lead." He uses my hands to guide his rhythm. It's flawless, but I can't keep up. Ashton lets go of my hands and gestures for me to try the rhythm now.

I try and I think I fail, seeing as Ashton tries to hide a grimace. I groan. "I give up. I think we should save that for a time when my head isn't pounding." I groan again when I stand up and shove my head in Ashton's chest, surprising him.

It surprises me too.

I'm a confident drunk.. if that's even a thing.

Then I start crying for no reason.

I spoke too soon. I'm definitely an emotional drunk.

"I have a question." I pull back and I have no doubt my makeup is all over the place.

"Ask away." Ashton walks over to the couch and collapses on it, gesturing me over. I walk over and plop down next to him, leaning against his side.

"Have you ever felt like nothing goes your way? And no matter how much you try to change that, you can't?"

Ashton nods, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "That's two questions." He smiles as I punch him in the arm.

"I'm serious."

"Fine. We're all going down at one time or another, Stasia. Whether it's death or cancer and whether we're young or poor. God has plans for us all. I think we just need to let nature take it's course."

"So you're telling me to not do anything about it?"

"No, I'm telling you that it's our nature to fight for the things we love and that's what matters in the end."

"I didn't know you were that deep." I smile as I take my head off of his shoulder, looking at him.

"Yep. About as deep as a kiddie pool."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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