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"I'm starving." Luke complains, holding his stomach. He's been doing that for the past ten minutes and it's starting to really get on my nerves. Again, he's acting like my five year old cousin.

"And I need to pee, but complaining doesn't get us anywhere, does it?" I snap. Just like I'd thought would happen. My nightmare came true and here I was, trying to keep my dignity inside my pants.

"Well, it's pretty fun watching you get annoyed when I do it." Luke chuckles and sits up banging his fist on the elevator doors. "Get me the fuck out of this elevator!" He yells and keeps pounding. We tried that earlier, only to no avail. Nothing is going to help us unless we get those damn elevator doors open.

"Don't you think I tried that?"

"I can do without your snide comments, bitchacho." He brings the terrible nickname back once again. I've had enough of the nicknames from Em to last a lifetime and I'm definitely not going through that phase with Luke.

"My name is Stasia." I offer to him. He probably will keep calling me bitchacho, but can't blame a girl for trying, right?

"Do I look like I care?" He asks as he gestures to his face. He's smiling a little, which lets me know that he's enjoying this way more than I am.

"I think you do, Luke." I smirk and he looks at me in shock. I don't know at first why he's shocked, but thinking back about what I said, I'm no longer confused. He's wondering how I know his name. I'm opening my mouth to answer the unsaid question when he cuts me off.

"Are you a fan?"

"A fan of what?" My smirk falls and is replaced with confusion. I'm definitely not a fan of his personality if that is what he's saying. I could not care less, honestly.

"My band. 5 Seconds of Summer?" The name doesn't ring a bell, but I'm surprised nonetheless.

I shake my head. "Never heard of you."

"Then how do you know my name?" Ah, the dreaded question. I debate whether to make up an obnoxious story, or just to tell the truth. In the end, I decide to go with the truth, as I'm too lazy to come up with a believable lie.

"I may have snooped through your texts..." I admit, biting my lip. The action is small, but it shows my guilt. Hopefully shows it enough that he won't be too upset with me.

"That's why my phone died so fast!" He exclaims, then glares at me. "You looked through my texts?" His cheeks start to redden as he thinks of what is on there. I only looked through one conversation, so he shouldn't be too embarrassed. But of course he doesn't know that.

I shrug. "Your phone was lying out in the open with no passcode required. Who wouldn't look through your texts?" Luke rolls his eyes and stuffs his phone into his bag as if that could erase the snooping I'd done. "By the way, who's Mike? He's okay, pretty funny even." I snicker, enjoying the teasing. It feels good to finally get back at Luke for all of the taunting he did to me earlier. It's nice to settle the scores for once.

"Michael is a guy in my band." Luke's response is vague and he gives no further explanation. This only fuels my curious mind.

"Does this band... sing?" I regret the words after they come out of my mouth. Most bands do sing. At least the teenage boy ones.

Luke gives me a look. "What band doesn't?" Of course he had to call me out on my lack of thinking. It happens only once and no one can let it go!

I roll my eyes and blush despite not wanting to. "I mean, do you all sing, or do you play instruments?" I can't believe I'm even holding a civilized conversation with this guy. How is it that he hasn't annoyed me to the brink of madness yet?

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