The Boy Next Door//Sam Wilkinson

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Rebbeca's P.O.V

I woke up at 1 p.m this afternoon, guess i slept in. I slowly sat up on my bed to prevent feeling dizzy, then walked to my bathroom. I twisted the metal doorknob and stepped in. The bathroom inside my room was pretty simple, nothing too interesting. The walls were plain white and the floor was white tile. Along one wall, there was a large rectangular shaped mirror that was placed on top of the sink. The sink was white, almost beige marble, under was wooden cupboards,which were filled with my necessities.

I walked towards the sink and placed my hands on the marble while taking in my presence in the mirror. My wavy brown was in the messiest bun I've ever seen, and my face looked lifeless.

I groaned as i took out the hair tie from my hair, getting stuck in a knot during the process. I attempted to brush my hair out with my fingers but stopped when i realized i'd be staying home all day, so there was no need to get all dolled up or even look presentable in that matter. I quickly brushed my teeth before exiting the bathroom and walking down to the kitchen

"morning" i greeted my mom as i entered the kitchen. "good morning sweetie, want pancakes?" she asked, catching my attention at 'pancakes'

I nodded in response.

"Do you have plans for today?"

"Nope, Can Amanda and Cody come over today?" i asked

"As long as the kitchen doesn't catch on fire then sure." She said referring to the accident.

"Are you sure you know how to make this?" Cody asked as he took out the spaghetti packet we were planning on cooking. None of us knew how to cook, we were just planning on going along with the instructions."not really" Amanda replied. "It says we're suppose to boil the water first" I read of the packet. "What temperature?" cody asked. I gave him the settings and he did as told. "See, i told you guys we could do this. But does anyone listen to me? Nope" Amanda sassed

"To be honest i don't know why i'm the one cooking, aren't you women suppose to be the ones in the kitchen?" Asked cody. Amanda and I glanced at each other, before both hitting Cody's arms. After letting the water boil, cody dumped the spaghetti in and we waited. "Who you texting?" Asked Cody as he snatched Amanda's phone from her hands. "None of your damn business" She hissed back. That was one of my favourite qualities about Amanda, she had attitude and said whatever came to mind.

"Ouu, who's Jason?" Cody teased reading the name of the conversation Amanda was having over text.

Jason was some kid at school Amanda had a small crush on. "Cody give me my damn phone or else" She threatened. I had a feeling they were going to fight so i grabbed 5 cookies from the pantries and sat down on the island so I could get a better view of what was happening in front of me.

"Or else what?" Cody challenged as a smirk spread across his face. Instead of replying, Amanda opened my fridge and took out the ketchup container. She held it up as if saying 'I'll attack you with this'. "You wouldn't" he said. That was all it took until she started squirting ketchup at him. "Amanda stop!" he shouted loudly as he walked over to grab salad dressing. You could guess what happened next. I wasn't worried about the mess since i'd force them to clean up after. I wasn't planning on joining their mini war, but once they started attacking me, i couldn't help but join in. We had been going at it for about thirty minutes until we heard tue smoke detector going off various times. I look around trying to find what triggered it to go off. My eyes scanned the room but stopped when i came across bright red/yellow flames rising where the pan was. "HOLY SHIT" we all shouted in unison. "WHAT DO WE DO?" Amanda shouted ."CALL FOR HELP IDIOT" cody retorted

The Boy Next Door?// Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now