Chapter 8

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Rebecca's P.O.V

"Goodmorning mom" i said entering my house.

she snapped her neck in my direction, cocked up an eyebrow then said

"you're sure coming home late now aren't you"

"i slept at a friends" i said walking upstairs. When i reached the top of the stairs i shouted "i'll tell you all about it later" And although i couldnt see her, i knew she was nodding.

I've been home for about an hour now, and was just checking my tumblr feed until i heard my mother call "Becca! Sams here"

"Okay" i shouted back confused. Moments later sam was standing in my doorway with my phone in his hand.

"You left this at my house" he said tossing me my phone, i luckily caught it.

"woah you have allot of books" Sam said looking around my room, directly at my book collection that is orderly stacked on a few shelves.

I used to read allot, i hardly do anymore though since i've been busy; netflix and twitter.

Sam walked over to my shelf and pulled out my largest book. My eyes widened as he began flipping through the pages because i hid personal things in my books.

As sam flipped in the middle, he stopped at a certain page and smirked. I knew exactly what he was looking at.

"Little becca isnt so innocent after all" he said holding up a small folded white paper

"what are you talking about?" i asked playing dumb. He placed down the book and began unfolding revealing a couple grams of Cannabis, also known as marijuana.

"thats not mine" i lied folding my arms over my chest.

Yes i did smoke occasionally, but unlike the other idiots who smoke, i know how to control myself. I'm also not dumb enough to smoke the wrong kind of weed since there are two types; one that will mess up your mind, and one that doesnt affect you that much.

Sam walked closer to me, then asked

"so you wouldn't mind if i threw this out?" with a cocked up eyebrow.

I quickly snatched it out of his hand an said "stop"

"Becca its ok to smoke, no ones gonna make a big deal out of it" he shrugged.

I hit his arm and replied with "Shut the hell up my mom is downstairs"

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth then nodded a few times, apologizing moments later.

"So what are we doing today" Sam asked sitting down on my bed.

I placed my hand on my hip and cocked up an eyebrow. "We aren't doing anything" i said emphasizing 'we'.

"Come on! i'm bored" he whined like a little kid. I thought about it for a moment, i didn't have plans anyways. But did i really want to spend the day with him? Although, i did owe him since he took care of me last night.

I mentally groaned but replied with "sure, lets go to the mall. I need new clothes anyways"

His face lit up. "I'm ready when you are" he said.

I looked down at what i was wearing and sighed, i still needed to take a shower, get changed, and do my hair and makeup.

"Wait here while i take a quick shower, don't touch anything" i scolded, he nodded.

I walked over to my drawers and picked out my undergarments then walked over to my closet and picked out what i'd be wearing for the day

The outfit was light blue high waisted jeggings and a white off both the shoulders top with lace down the middle with long flowy sleeves.

I made my way into the bathroom and started my shower, adjusting it at the temperature of my choice.After making sure i was completely clean and washing my long curly hair, i patted my body dry then changed into my clothes.

I brushed my teeth then walked back into my bedroom to be greeted by Sammy. He was typing away on his phone, until i came into sight. He looked up and said "you look good" with a small nod

"thanks" I blow dried my hair and parted it so that there was more hair on one side than on the other. I put on eyeliner and mascara along with vampire ref lipstick.

I put on white pumps then walked to where sammy was sitting. I leaned over a bit, grabbed both of his hands to pull him up then said "lets go!"

The Boy Next Door?// Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now