Chapter 9

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The drive to the mall was silent, but a comfortable silence. After 5 minutes of searching for a parking space, we finally parked then entered the mall.

"Where to first?" he asked.

"Food court"


We both went to the Mc Donalds and ordered our food, i got a 10 piece chicken nugget combo with large fries, and sam got a big mac combo.

We found an empty table in the food court and took a seat. "What's your ethnicity?" Sam questioned randomly.

I cocked up an eyebrow, but replied anyways "Brazilian."

"Makes sense" he shrugged. "And whats that supposed to mean?" i asked.

"Well you have tan skin, curly hair, and i mean" he paused for a second, "look at your body" He concluded.

I instantly kicked him under the table causing him to grunt, i smiled in satisfaction. I took a bite out of a nugget, then heard a camera click. I jerked my head up to face sam, "did you just take a picture of me?"

"Yeah, check my snapchat" he said.

"whats your snapchat?"


I added him, and he quickly added me back. I clicked onto his snapchat story to see a picture of me biting a mc nugget with the caption "shes ugly"

"Ew sam what the hell" Instead of replying i took a picture of him sipping his coke with the caption "he's uglier"

"Nice" he said after watching it.
"Lets go shopping fuckboy" i said dragging him up, not bothering to throw out our garbage, janitor gets paid to do that anyways

"Did you seriously call me a fuckboy? he asked making a 'the hell' face.
"Yes.Problem?" i question flashing a plastic smile

"i don't know its just weird hearing you say it, you know fuckboy" he said.
"No, its even weirder hearing you say it you're white." i laugh

he shoots a glare but i just ignore it and continue walking. As i was walking towards PINK, i spotted a photo booth in the corner of my eye.

"Sammy" I said and nodded in the direction. He quickly looked then asked "Wanna go in?"
"No Samuel. I just showed you a photobooth for the fun of it."

we put in the money needed then sat ourselves down. The first snap was one of us plainly smiling. The second was a silly face. i was planning on smiling for the third one, but sammy whispered something funny in my ear causing me to burst out laughing.

The picture came out as my head tilted back with me laughing, then sammy smiling at me, it was cute.

Lastly, the fourth picture was sam and I with our middle fingers up and our tongues out

I instantly took a picture of the strip and posted it on insta only because i look good in it.

We began walking again to PINK then entered. I ended up buying a pair of blue PINK sweatpants, a pink PINK hoodie, and then yoga pants that sammy picked out.

We walked by the apple store and i demanded we go in because i love taking selfies on the MacBooks there.

Sammy and i took over 300 ugly pictures of us on only one computer, then made some videos before getting kicked out of the store.

Walking out of the store, Sammy put his arm arm my waist pulling me closer to him. As we walked, my eyes luckily landed on a boy working at a cellphone case stand.

"Sammy look" i said pointing to the cute unnamed boy.
"Look at what?" he asked clueless looking around. "oh the boy"

I nodded rapidly not taking my eyes off of him. He was a tall light-skin boy that had short curly hair and green eyes. His bone structure was amazing too.

'"Go talk to him" Sammy said pushing me towards him. I thought about it then decided to go.

Before leaving, i turned to Sammy and asked "How do i look?" Sam looked me up and down a few times before moving.

He parted my hair more to the side and fluffed my hair so it had more volume.
"You look great. now go!" I quickly thanked him then walked over to the stand.

I pretended to look around at the cases when in reality the only thing i wanted to check out what him.

I looked at what he was wearing to see his name tag visible "bryan" it read.

"Excuse me" He said to me. My heart began to beat faster and my palms got sweaty.

"Yes?" i asked gaining my confidence.
"That boy over there, he's your friend right" He asked pointing over at sammy.

I was confused as to why he asked this, but replied anyways. "Uh yeah" i replied.

"He's a hottie. Is he single?" I mentally face palmed myself. every hot guy has to be gay and the fact hes into sam doesnt make me feel any better.

"Uh no actually, he's dating me" i replied quickly. This felt extremely awkward for me. I look over in Sams direction and see him winking at me, probably because he thought things were going good with Bryan due to the fact that we were talking to each other, i gave a weak smile in response.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Bryan said clearly embarrassed. "No no, its fine don't worry" i assured him then quickly walked away not wanting to keep up this conversation.

"So how did it go, y'all fucking or what?" sam nudged my side with a smirk.

"Uh, no actually" i awkwardly said.
"He had no interest what so ever in me" i continued.

Sam gave me a confused look, "why?" he asked. I pondered on the question. I feel like if i tell him he'll make fun of me for being interested in a gay guy who likes him and not me.

Sam continued to stare at me waiting for a response until i finally answered.
"Because he's gay and likes you"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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