Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning in a pretty good mood. I walked over to my closet and stared at my clothes for a while.

I decided to change up my outfit today, I picked white high waisted jeans that had a few rips here and there. The jeans made my body look good so i put that on. For shirt i wore a black longsleeve crop top that had kissy lips on it and for shoes i wore black jefery campbells

I left my curly hair down and applied eyeliner and mascara.

I went downstairs and greeted my mom with a simple "morning"

she looked me over and said "Why all dressed up for" i shrugged in response, i didn't even know why myself

"just felt like trying something different i guess" i replied.




As i made my way to my locker i was greeted by Cody and Amanda

"hey guys" i said with a wave.

They both looked me up and down

"looking good Becca" cody smiled

"Yeah. You look nice... and different" said Amanda

"thankyou and thanks. And i'm trying something different" i said, mainly directing the last part to Amanda.

"I like it" she said with a smile.

"Well we're gonna be late to class if we don't hurry up so.." i started not knowing how to finish my sentence

"i'm gonna go to the washroom so i'll meet you there" Amanda said looking down at her purse

"Ah i got you" i smirked knowing what she meant. Ha sucks for her

"looks like its just us" i smiled at cody.

He opened his mouth to reply but stopped when some really pretty girl walked by.

He looked at me with pleading eyes

"go cody" i slightly laughed

"thanks" he said then made his way over to the girl.

oh boys.I thought to myself.

I walked down the hallway where i once again bumped into Nate.

He looked me up and down then smirked and said "wow you actually look decent for once" i rolled my eyes and continued walking where i bumped into another girl.

the girl was Melanie.

"oh hey Becca! you're coming to my party this week right?" she said with her usual over preppy attitude.

Today was thursday, meaning that the party was tomorrow night. I thought about it for a moment, i haven't went out in a while so going to this party wont hurt.

"sure. i'd love to stay and chat but i'm about to be late to class so bye. See you later" i replied then left, finally making it to class.

The second i sat down, the bell rang.

Just in time i thought to myself. I smiled and let out a long breath i didn't even know that i was holding.

"hey baby. Dinner was fun last night" sammy says sitting next to me

"Last night? as in you fucked her? nice job man!" jack gilinsky said out of no where

I rolled my eyes. The fact that he even thought that i'd do that with Sam makes me realize how low he thinks of me. Thats honestly disgusting

The Boy Next Door?// Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now