chapter 7

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Sam's P.O.V

I carried Becca all the way to my house, which luckily wasn't a struggle since she wasn't heavy and I lived close. she was silent the whole walk home, surprisingly. I unlocked the door to my house and placed her down on the couch. she looked around the house and asked "where are we?"

"My house" I replied simply

She looked at me with a devious smirk on her face. She stood up and walked over to where I was "does that mean we're gonna have some fun." she purred into my ear. As tempting as this was, she was drugged and drunk. I couldn't take advantage of her.

"no" I said sternly, my voice slightly cracking in the process. "you don't look too sure of yourself" she said now straddling me. her hands made their way up to the collar of my shirt and she began playing with it in her hands.

"come on sammy, I won't tell anyone" she purred once again. She trailed her hands from the collar of my shirt, moving her hands down my stomach. She swiftly placed her hand on my crotch and removed it seconds later.

"I can feel your boner. Don't deny that you want me" she smirked.

I quickly moved from under her and went to the kitchen, this was going to be a long night.

I placed both my hands on the counter and groaned in frustration. I was now sexually frustrated and there was nothing I could do about it.

Rebecca walked over to where i was and sat on the counter. She began lifting her shirt up, "stop!" i shouted. If she was left shirtless i don't know if i'd be able to control myself. She pouted but stopped. She reached her hand into her bra and pulled out her phone, playing music.

She ran over to the couch and began dancing, sexy dance moves. She was winding her body, it was a pleasant site. I snapped back into reality minutes later of seeing her dance, and asked her "are you hungry?"

i mean she hasn't ate in hours, and she's been doing allot of things so i figure she's probably starving.

"Yes! Food" she shouted.




Rebecca has now been at my house for two hours and all she's been doing is trying to hook up with me, it's so hard to resist a sexy girl throwing herself at you.

We were now on my couch watching The heat, she was finally calmed down probably because she was tired.

Mid-way through the movie, she cuddled herself into the side of my body, resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her more into me.

Minutes later, i feel her breathing slow down, i look over to see her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.

I moved gently from under her and stood up the turn the TV. After doing so, i walked over to the couch, bent down, and scooped her up so she was now in my arms.

As we reached the top of the stairs, i brought her into my room and placed her on my bed. I looked at what she was wearing and sighed, sleeping in jeans was really uncomfortable.

I walked over to my dresser and picked out a pair of sweats. I walked back over to my bed and took off her shorts then quickly put my pants on her.

No, i did not look at her body, i kept my eyes up the whole time.

After dressing her, i tucked her under the sheets than placed a warm blanket on top of her incase she got cold during the night.

I turned the room light off then went to my brothers old room and slept there.

Rebecca's P.O.V

I woke up in an unfamiliar placed. I lifted off this blanket that i don't know how got on me and got up. I look down at what i was wearing and saw pants that i've never seen before in my life.

I began to panic, i had no idea where i was. I look around the room in hopes of finding a sign of who's house in was in.

I spot a desk and walk over to it. On the desk there was a picture frame. The picture was of a boy with brown hair that was in a quiff, and gorgeous brown eyes.

Oh, the boy was Sam.

How the hell did i end up in Sam room? i thought to myself

The worst possibilities began to rush in my mind. We didn't have sex did we? Although, that would explain why i was wearing his clothes.

I walk out of the room and try to find sam. "Sammy?" i call out in the hallway

"in here" he shouted. I followed his voice which led me into a bedroom 2 doors down.

"why the hell am i at your house and why the fuck am i wearing your pants?!" i asked/shouted

"goodmorning to you too sunshine" he groaned rubbing his eyes

"Sammuel Howard Wilkinson tell me exactly what happened, details please" i said sternly shooting daggers into his eyes.

"Okay well- what how do you know my full name?" he questioned.

"I searched you up on myspace. Back to the story please"

"Okay well at the party someone apparently spiked your drink or whatever so Cody asked me to take you back my place so your parents wouldn't see you like the way you were yesterday. And since you want details i'm going to tell you exactly what happened last night" he began

Someone spiked my drink? Are you fucking serious. Who the hell even does that.

"You got home and you kept trying to hook up with me, you were shaking your ass all over my house, you even tried taking your clothes off" he said with a devilish smirk

He's got to be kidding, i did not try hooking up with him

"Oh.. but we didn't actually...." i trailed off.

"No Rebecca we didn't have sex, no matter how many times you begged me i was able to control myself" I sighed in relief

"another question, why am i in your pants?" i asked and he burst out laughing

"thats what she said" he said

"No! I didn't mean it like that! that came out wrong. Ok shit. I meant to ask why i'm wearing your clothes?" i corrected myself glancing down at the pants i was currently wearing

"Oh well you were about to sleep in jean shorts and that looked uncomfortable, so i changed you into something comfier" he shrugged

'so i changed you into it' Wait, that means

"YOU SAW ME IN MY UNDERWEAR!?" i screeched

"Well technically yes, but no. I didn't look, i have class babe" he said.

"Unlike you, i bet that if i were the one standing infront of you in only my boxers you wouldnt be able to keep your eyes off of me" he said with his signature sexy smirk

I scoffed and replied with "yes i could".

"Oh really?" he asked. "really" i replied.

I crossed my arms over my chest. He stood up from where he was previously laying down and walked over to where i was. He stood up an inch in front of me, he pulled down his shorts leaving him in his boxers.

I tried my best to keep my eyes up, but they betrayed me and looked down. Sam chuckled and said "Told ya babe" with a wink

The Boy Next Door?// Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now