Chapter 4

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I finally finished my homework, it was now 6 p.m. I went downstairs to get a snack where i was greeted by my mother. "You're still not ready?!" she exclaimed. i gave a confused look, what am I supposed to he ready for? "Rebecca. The wilks are gonna be here in an hour for dinner please go get ready" she said slowly

i didn't bother to question her because i didn't want to tick her off more than i already have for whatever reason.

I took a quick shower and washed my hair. After my shower i peaked my head out of the door and shouted "MOM WHAT DO I WEAR?" and she replied with

"Dress formal, look classy.Lorie and I thought it would be fun to make you kids dress up since we know you hate it"

I sighed then went to my closet and picked out a velvet long sleeve bodycon dress that had some of my back showing in the form of a 'v'. For shoes i decided on black pumps.

After getting dressed, i decided on leaving my natural curly hair down since it looked good. I applied eyeliner, mascara, and red stainless lipstick.

I had to admit i looked pretty hot, i smiled at myself in the mirror then went downstairs. it was only 6:40.

Once i was downstairs, my mom smiled at me. "you look beautiful darling" she said. i thanked her then complimented her aswell, she looked beautiful.

Moments passed until there was a knock on the door. My mom opened it to reveal Lori, and Sam.

"Sophie! Thank you so much for inviting us. Im sorry to say that my other kids couldn't make it today" she frowned

They started talking but i completely zoned out.

I walked to the kitchen and leaned on the counter. Moments later Sam walked his way over to where i was and said "You look gorgeous" with a smile.

I was pretty taken aback by what he said but replied with "thanks, not too bad yourself"

"Oh! Becca, dinners gonna be running a little late, so why don't you and Sammuel go to your room and talk for a bit? Just leave the door open." she said more as a statement. I knew she just wanted to hangout with Lori.

In the corner of my eye i saw sam smirk, i rolled my eyes. I grabbed his wrists then led him up the stairs into my bedroom.

"you know, usually when girls are holding my wrists and leading me somewhere its usually for sex" he said

i instantly let go of his wrist then walked into my room.

I sat on my bed and started going on my phone. I opened a group chat with Cody and Amanda

To:Cody, Amanda

Sos, i'm currently stuck in my bedroom with sammy.

i instantly got a reply.

from: Cody

Don't act like you're not enjoying it (;

To: cody


I sighed then looked at sam, who was already staring at me.

"you know sammy, its rude to stare" i pointed out

"I like it when you call me sammy, its hot." he winked

"Although, You should feel free to call me Daddy whenever you like" he continued

"And it's kind of hard not to stare when you're wearing a dress like that" he concluded

"you're actually disgusting" i honestly said, it's not like i was lying.

he shrugged in response. I opened the snapchat app and help up my phone in the angle that makes me look good so i could look decent in the selfie

As i was about to take the selfie, sam popped his face in and smiled. I moved my finger from the camera button ans started at him

I covered his face with my hand, smiled, then took the selfie and made it my snapchat story.

i looked at it and smiled, it's a pretty cute picture.

"can we take an actual nice one?" sam asked.

"why?" i asked.

"because i like taking pictures with my friends to remember moments. And we're kind of friends, so why not" he said

i shrugged. He took out his phone and we took a few selfies.

One of us both smiling, one of us making a funny face, one where we stuck our tongues out, and one where he kissed my cheek while i did kissy lips.

"send me those. And not because i like having pictures with you, but because i look bomb in these selfies" i smiled.

"does that mean i get your number?" he smirked.

i thought about it for a second.

"sure, if you keep texting me i'll probably block your number." i shrugged.

"Deal" and with that he passed me his phone. I added myself as a contact

'Becca😏' as the name, then sent myself the photos

We talked for a while and i learned that Sammy wasn't that bad. He was actually pretty funny and cool to talk to.

"Becca!Samuel! come down to eat please" My mother called from the stairs.

"Lesgo" i said and sam smiled.

"these are uncomfortable" i whine taking my heels off

We make our way downstairs and sit down, Sammy on my right and my mom and Lori across from us.

I filled my plate with food, then took a bite of my chicken.

"Oh becca that dress of yours is lovely, you look beautiful" Lori complimented me. I smiled, a genuine smile and replied with

"Thank you so much"

"So sammy are you and Becca friends? do you guys hangout at school?" my mom asked.

I had a feeling sammy would say something stupid so i tried to reply but he beat me to it

"Actually i dont think becca is that fond of me" he said. I rolled my eyes

seconds later my mom replied.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure she has a crush on you" she casually said and winked.

My eyes grew wide and my face started heating up

"They'd be a hot couple" Lori said with a laugh.

"As long as Sammy uses a condom.." my mom started but i cut her off

"MOM!" i said

Her and Lori burst out laughing. All of a sudden, i felt a hand creep up my inner thigh

My breath hitched at the back of my throat

"oh dear we're just kidding with you"

Lori said with a smile.

I looked at sammy who was smirking at me.

As i was about to eat some lettuce,sam moved his hand higher up my thigh, it was now at the end of my dress.

My breath pace quickened. A part of me wanted to slap his hand away, but then another part of me wanted to keep his hand there because it felt good.

wait what the hell am i thinking

i thought. i quickly swatted his hand away and continued eating

The Boy Next Door?// Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now