Chapter One

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Neil stood in front of the wall that held the investigation board. He had been handed over the serial murder mystery last week. The investigation officer earlier appointed had gone missing all of a sudden on Monday morning. It was only after a lot of discussion and thought being put into the case that it was decided to be handed over to him; to ACP Neil Khanna. He just did not have to solve the mystery of multiple murders happening around the city but also find the missing officer.

He was getting nowhere with all the assembled data. The research work still felt incomplete to him. Something wasn't tallying. Amidst all the clues, there was that something amiss. But, what?

He studied the clues that hung on the board, one at a time. Going though the pile of files that he had sprawled over his desk, he looked at everything. His eyes scanned for details and moreover, for clues. He was looking out for that one something that would lead him to the murderer.

His eyes zeroed at the least highlighted fact. All those who were murdered were in one way or the other connected to the NGO named RIGHTS. He could vaguely remember that the NGO was initially setup to help and support the victims of sexual abuse, in order to provide them a healthy and independent life. Later, the founder had branched in for various social causes.

Why would anyone want to harm people who were provided helping hands in social causes like these? This was disturbing though. He knew he had to find answers and he had to be real quick.

He dished out his cell phone from the pocked of his trousers and tapped his fingers over the screen as he dialed a call.

The ring on the other end silenced quick enough. "DD," he addressed curtly.

"Yes, sir," came a firm yet obedient voice of his subordinate.

"I want you to get me all the information you can about this NGO named RIGHTS. Every possible detail, even the minutest of all details is to be reported. Be it anything; the history, the background check for the NGO and the people related to it. I want it all and I want it quick," he spoke in his authoritative tone. He was determined to get to the bottom of this case at the earliest possible. And the NGO was his first clue.

"Yes, sir, You will have the report with you by tomorrow morning, even before you have the newspaper delivered at your doorsteps," DD answered, confidently. He knew Neil. Having worked with him for years, he had gotten to know Neil's working pattern. For him quick meant real quick. Neil wasn't the one to entertain delays and DD had learnt better off.

"Good," a small smile crept across Neil's lips as he heard DD. Neil wasn't the one to entertain delays and DD had learnt better off. "I will see you tomorrow morning then, with the reports," and just like that he dismissed DD with another reminder though he knew there wasn't a need for reminders. DD was good with his job.

Neil placed his cell phone over his desk and restudied the board and files in hope of finding more.


Please be aware that this story is already uploaded on another forum and is almost half done. I will be uploading this story every day for now. Later the upload pattern may change as per the requirement of the story.

Also, this story is being uploaded on Wattpad as a dear friend of mine had suggested this to me weeks ago. 

Suggestions and criticism are most welcomed. Please do jot down your thoughts on this opening chapter for this story. I would love to read all of that.

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