Chapter Thirteen

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She was lucky tonight to have survived. But for how long?

Neil's eyes drifted back to the screen one last time before he felt almost impossible to hold the gadget in his hands any longer. Not able to contain anger, he smashed the cell phone across the floor. He did not care about the questioning eyes that were drawn to him as a result of his actions.

But for how long?

It was difficult for him to forget those words and the sarcastic laugh hidden along the message. He wouldn't let the murderer win. There was no way he would let another life be taken away; not by this psycho murderer; not when he was there. As long as I am here, he thought with sheer determination.

The buzzing anger made it extremely difficult for him to think straight. His thoughts were scattered all over the place. Breathe, Neil, he reminded himself; a reminder to calm himself down.

Looking around, he found puzzled eyes staring at him. A lot of questions surfaced in each of those stares but none dared to vocalise. However, he found DD stepping forward. The worry in his eyes out did the questions, in case if he had any.

"I want her cell phone," he commanded in a crisp voice, "track it down. NOW," the urgency in his clipped tone had his team spring into action. Though he knew what the results would be, he had his team on the hunt.

As he saw DD approach him, "The murderer messaged me through her cell phone." The knowledge had initially shocked DD but he was certain Neil would handle this just like his previous assignments. He saw Neil engrossed in thoughts. He already was thinking through to set a plan of action. Thinking!

The medical help stepped aside as Neil padded towards Ananya. She was still unconscious and the thought disturbed him to a great extend. "How's she?" he asked while his eyes refused to leave her sight. She was given the first-aid, he could see that. He still wanted to be reassured.

"She is fine, sir," came a quick response from one of the female doctors on the team, "nothing too serious or anything to be worried about."

"Can I take her home?" the words stumbled out even before he could put a thought into his speech. He brushed away the loose strand of hair off her face. Her face had lost colour; apart from the scratches she wore. Things could have been much worse, he reminded himself. She could have been shot.

"Yes," she spoke softly, breaking his chain of thoughts. She also added reassuringly, "She will be fine." He forced himself to not let his thoughts go down the lane of possibilities of what could have happened. He had to have control over his thoughts. He didn't want his messed up state of mind to weaken him. He had to crack this case. There were a lot of lives at stake. Her life at stake, his nostril flared at the thought.

Shrugging the thought aside, he looked back at DD, "Keep me posted, I will take her home." Not waiting for any response, he grabbed hold of her and moved towards the exit. 


As promised, here's the next chapter.

Do let me know how do you find the story so far. I know that the feelings and emotions bit are surfacing since the couple of chapters. But no matter what, mystery is going to be the main element for the story. The basic concept would remain intact.

Anyways, do share your views.

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