Chapter Thirty Three

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Just like Ananya had mentioned, they barely had any time. It was as if they were sitting on a ticking time bomb about to blast any moment. Everyone was moving around as if they had their tails caught on fire. Last minute preparations were always nerve wrecking and this was no different. Apart from the danger that was closing in, of which only a few were aware of.

In no time, the venue was flooding in. Along with a few executives Neela greeted the guests and engaged them in brief conversations. Ali and Zeenat were at their designated spots, while the security was well tackled by the volunteers. The cops, dressed in civil outfits were scattered across the venue, keeping an eye at any unusual occurrence under their watch. 

Neil thought he had everything under his control. It would be only a matter of time until the murderer fell into his trap. 

The only thought that kept nagging him was that of Ms. Ananya Verma.

She had the tendency to overrule and ruin most of his plans. He was wishing this to be different. But, again, who could guarantee that. Engrossed in those thoughts, he casually walked across when he felt a tap onto his shoulder. He turned abruptly to witness the brightest smile. Stunned, or rather more shockingly surprised by the sight in front of his eyes, he took a good few seconds before he heard the warning bells ring into his eardrums. Slowly, his nerves calmed yet he did not forget to be cautious. How could he not, when he had no clue why he was graced with his mother's presence at this event?

Yes, Shweta Khanna stood right in front of him, sporting the brightest smile he could ever receive from anyone but her.

"What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes, trying to gauge the intention.

She looked displeased with the greeting her son offered. Hadn't they taught him well to be warm and welcoming? And being a Punjabi, they were taught to be extra loving and affectionate. This was his mother he hadn't met for weeks, and he treated her like one of his co-workers. And here she was struggling to keep her composure and not embrace her son in a big warm hug. She flared, about to complaint.

He guessed the upcoming and uttered with a hint of warning, "Mom!" Though his intentions were to warn her, the hidden plea didn't go unnoticed by his mother.

Neil had always ensured to safeguard his family from the danger he put himself through due to his work. In the process of being an efficient police officer, he had made enemies even without knowing. Being well versed in dealing with criminals, he knew that the only way to weaken him would be to target his family. They were his only weakness. And he wanted to keep them away from any danger that came along as a part and parcel of his work. And this time was no different. He had maintained his distance and asked the same from them.

"Don't you mom me," she looked upset all of a sudden, making Neil worry. Before he could question her, she started again, "Since when did you start announcing things to the world even without hinting a single thing to your own family. This isn't how I brought you up, son!" She disbelievingly shook her head.

He scoffed, "What's gotten into you today? What are you even talking about?"

"Oh, really? Then for what personal work have you indulged yourself here? What part of your personal life makes for a news headline that your mom is unaware of? Tell me," she challenged him.

What trouble did he bring upon himself, he sighed. "That was just for a case," he reasoned.

Even to his own ears, it didn't seem convincing enough.

"Don't try to fool us, son," he heard a familiar voice approaching him.

There seemed to be a family reunion at the fundraiser event that Neil was unaware of. He hoped that he wouldn't find the rest of his family lurking around. His parents were more than enough of what he could handle in a single day.

The man approaching them was none other than Neil's father, Prakash Khanna.

He had his assessing gaze trained at Neil as he walked upto Shweta, snaking his arm around her waist. . "We know you better, son. So please spare us with those good for nothing excuses," his words were laced with boredom as he spoke to his son.

"Dad, I seriously don't have the time for this. I am working on an important case and I really need to be focused. So, if the two of you could please," Neil spoke impatiently. His sole intention was to make them leave, and keep them away from the danger. In the process, also keep them away from investigating about his personal agenda at the NGO; he wanted to keep them away from Ananya.

Speaking of her, where was this devil in disguise? He swept his gaze across the hall but before he could locate her, he heard his mother. "You have no right to dictate us, especially when we have other reasons to attend this fundraiser event. Reasons that are professional and business related," she stated sternly.

His brows scrunched and his eyes drew back to meet his parents, "I didn't know, Khanna Enterprises had any business related to this NGO or the fundraiser."

"You don't know much about the business," his father shrugged casually in response. "And you don't have to."

Though his father had accepted the path he chose long ago and was now proud of his achievements, but  at moments like this, Neil felt his heart pricked.

Neil shook the disturbing thoughts away, he was on duty. He couldn't afford to drain himself, not even emotionally. With another thought, he was reminded of work and indirectly his mind drifted back to Ananya. It had been a while since he last saw her. His brows furrowed and he unknowingly felt unsettled. Why?

Excusing himself, he contacted DD. As soon as the line connected, he didn't bother about the pleasantries and straight away got to the point, "Where is Ananya?"

He could hear silence on the other end, he was starting to feel suspicious but his thoughts were cut short, "I couldn't monitor her ever since she went for a change," DD answered slightly puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Neil scowled.

Instead of replying to his question, DD chose to opt for the safest option he could think of, "I will check and get back to you."

"You better do," Neil instructed and instantly hung up.

He turned to find his parents eyeing him with interest. He couldn't run away from the situation. So he made his way back towards them. He hads barely taken a few steps towards them when his phone buzzed to life in his pocket and without glancing at the gadget, he tapped his bluetooth device to answer.

"Sir," came a firm and confident voice of DD from the other end. "I have found out her location," he informed.

"Great," Neil let out a sigh of relief. He grew restless and asked, "Where?"

He could hear the exasperated breath on the other end before he heard, "Please turn around to your right."


Finally, I could manage to complete this chapter. *Sigh*

In all honesty, I didn't think that the Khannas would take up so much of this chapter. Initially, I wasn't able to form a thing and now when I could finally put down some thoughts, they consumed much more of the chapter than what I intended to. I wanted to include Ananya into this chapter but then after looking at the length, I believed it was better not to.

Because the next chapter is hopefully going to be fun for you all to read.

Do let me know about your thoughts on this chapter.

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