Australia x daughter reader: little kangaroo

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So I wanted to make this cause i saw literally not a single fanfic like this for Australia which pissed me off... enjoy!

Your POV:

I walked into the house feeling incredibly nervous. Today my friend/crush Francis had asked me to be his girlfirend. Normally a girl would be ecstatic about this, however knowing my dad... I'm a little scared. Hes always been one of those dads.

"Hey Sheila?! You home from school?!" Dad called from the kitchen.

"Y-yep" I said back then made my way into the kitchen.

"How was my little kangaroo's day?" He asked.

"Um g-good" I said while visibly nervous which Dad took notice of.

"I see thats good then i guess" Dad said with a hint of suspicion in his voice as he spread some Vegemite on a bread.

"Well something did hap-..." I said but was cut of by dad.

"SOMETHING BAD?!" He asked.

"N-No!... I mean I wouldn't say its bad, but..." I said.

Dad now finished making the sandwich, walked over to me and gave me hug.

"Relax, little kangaroo, you know you can tell ya old man anything" He said.

"Okay then... Daddy, I have a boyfriend" I said smiling.

Dad arms that were holding me a second ago dropped and he backed away. there was an angered look on his face.


"But i'm 17 daddy!?" I yelled.


"Thats crazy!? I'll be dead then!?" I yelled.

"Not if you eat healthy! Now go eat your sandwich and forget about this stupid boy that will just break your heart", Dad said.

"He has a name! Its Francis, Francis Bonnefoy!" I yelled.

Timeskip Next day at school

Australia's POV

I stole my son Jake's (I don't know if that is his official human name but its supposed to be Hutt river) school uniform in order to infiltrate (Y/n)'s school. I was planning to find this bloody wombat who thinks he can make moves on my little kangaroo

I sadly lost (Y/n) though. I just hope i find her soon before that bastard tries anything with her.

I turned a corner to find (Y/n)

"Thank god" I mumbled.

I was relieved but that had only lasted a minute until I noticed she was crying.

I ran up to her.

"Little Kangaroo whats wrong?" I asked.

She looked up at me in tears.

"D-daddy what are you doing here?" She asked in tears.

I pulled her into a big hug.

"I wanted to make sure that boy didn't hurt you" I said.

"...Well I guess you were right daddy... he did break my heart" She said trying to wipe away her tears

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

" He cheated on me with another girl

That bloody bastard!

"Its okay my little kangaroo. He's missin out..." I cooed as I rubbed circles on her back.

"I don't th-think I'll ever date again!" She said in between sobs

"... Although that would make me happy, it's not true. You'll date again and get married to even maybe even have kids. Just let you old man meet them first. I'll rule out all the bad ones for you" I said.

(Y/n) chuckled and looked up at me.

"Okay... Daddy, I think I want to find someone like you", She said.

"Okay but... Just know...that no matter who you choose to date or spend your life with you'll always be my little kangaroo" I said holding her tightly
The end ...

Now I feel bad for portraying France as a cheat in this story. Sorry france! :(

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