Daddy Netherlands x Child reader: Daddy's a Workaholic

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Translation notes

mijn lieve dochter- my sweet daughter

kleine prinses- little princess

verlaat me niet - don't leave me

ik hou van je - I love you


mijn kleine meisje - my little girl

ik dacht dat ik je kwijt was - I thought i lost you

geliefde- sweetheart 

Your POV:
"Come on sweetie it's time for bed" Auntie Emma said in a sweet voice.
"No I'm waiting for Daddy to tuck me in and read me a bed time story" I said as I sat down next to the window waiting for him.
"Umm... sweetheart your daddy's gonna be late! I can tuck you in and read you a bed time story" She said.
"You do that every night I want daddy tonight" I said.
Auntie Emma's face looked troubled.

"You know your Daddy works really late. It would be extemely late if you wanted for him." She explained.

It's not fair Daddy was always working and I barely ever got to see him.
"Can I pretty please stay up waiting for him?" I asked

"I'm sorry sweetie" She said holding her hand out for me.
I reached for her hand reluctantly and she led me to my bedroom.

Timeskip to morning

I woke up and ran out of bed, racing to the kitchen. I saw Daddy sitting at the table finishing his breakfast
"Daddy!" I yelled running up to him and hugging his legs.

He picked me up and sat me on his lap, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"mijn lieve dochter, how Did you sleep last night?" Daddy asked.

"Absolutely terrible" I said then hugged him tightly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked.

"NO! You weren't home last night to tuck me in and read me a bed time story!" I complained.

"Did Auntie Emma do it?" He asked.

"Yeah but I wanted you Daddy!!"I yelled.
"Well I'm sorry sweetie, but you know Daddy has to work" He explained.

"Why do you have to work?!"  I asked.
"Because if I don't work we wouldn't have money and if we don't have money then we don't have this nice house...and you wouldn't have this nice toy" Daddy said reaching for a wrapped box that was sitting on the table.

Daddy always is bringing me presents to play with. They're always nice but I'd prefer to spend time with him.

"It's for you! Go ahead open it" He said smiling.

I slowly unwrapped the paper to find a (some expensive toy you wanted in your childhood).

"Thanks Daddy..." I said with a bittersweet smile.
"Your very welcome, my kleine prinses" Daddy said kissing my cheek.
He put me back on the floor and stood up.

"(Y/n) I have to go to work now, Your Auntie Emma should be here within an hour just stay in the house untill she gets here" Daddy said.
"You have to work again!" I whined.
"Yes, I'm sorry but I'll bring you some more toys tomorrow" He said

"...No I don't want toys daddy! I want you, STOP WORKING!!!" I yelled.

"*sigh* (Y/n) you know I can't do that. We need the money" Daddy said sternly.

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