Daddy Scotland x teen reader: No lying

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Third person POV:

You were presently getting ready to go over to your boyfriend Berwald house. You knew your father would never approve so you tried your best to hide it from him, and so far it was working. You kind of wished you could tell your father but you knew it would anger him, although you knew he had nothing to worry when it came to a guy like Berwald he was to sweet to ever hurt you.

Suddenly there was a knock on your door.

"Y-y-yes?" you said.

"Its me lassie, can I come in?" Your father said from behind the door

"S-sure" you said as you started sweating nervously.

Your father walked in noticing your get up. You were wearing a very short (f/c) dress that showed off some cleavage and had also had some slits cut off on the side. 

"Hmm... Are ye goin somewhere lassie?" He asked as his brow furrowed.

"Um... yeah i'm going to a movie with Elizabeta and Lili!" You said smiling.

"Thats quite the get up for a night outwith the lassies" He said.

"Well i was planning to put a jacket over it" You said smiling.

"That sounds good its supposed to be chilly tonight...very chilly maybe yee shouldn't wear a dress at all" He said.

"Daddy trust me its fine" You said nerveously.

"Lassie I don't want ye to freeze to death" Your dad said going into your closet looking for something.

Your POV:

Oh god no...

He pulled out a shirt he got for me a year or so ago for my birthday. 

It was a t shirt with a picture of him with a rifle that said 'stay clear boys this is my dad'

Please tell me he isn't getting suspicious.

"No dad thats embarrassing!" I yelled

"Come on lassie it's a cute shirt." He said smirking.

"NO! now did you actually have something important to say?" I asked.
Oh yeah I have to leave next weekend for a business trip. But yer bloody uncle Arthur agreed to babysit ye when I'm gone" He explained with a straight face.
"Daaaaad-! I'm 17 I don't need a babysitter!" I whined.
"Don't worry he's only here to make sure yee don't have no boys over. Think him less as a babysitter more as a cockblocker for any lads trying to steal my wee daughters innocence" He said smiling.

"Dad you don't have to worry about that..." I said sighing.

Suddenly dads brows furrowed and his mouth dropped. His eyes went wide with terror
"Don't have to worry" He repeated
He grabbed you by the shoulders.
"DONT TELL ME SOMEONE ALREADY TOOK IT!?tell me who he is so I can kill em!" He said hypervenalating.
My face turned bright red.
"DAD! I'm still a virgin!" I yelled.
His facial features relaxed and he let out a relived sigh.
"Thank god, yee had me scared for a second lassie" Dad said smiling.
"YOUR SUCH AN ASSHOLE! IVE GOT TO FREAKING GO DONT WAIT UP!" I yelled out of annoyance then marched out of my room down the stairs.

Scotland's POV:

I pulled out my phone and looked for Basch in my contact and dialed it.

I hope I'm wrong about this ingling I have I hope she is just going out with her lassies...

"Hello, Alistair vhy are you calling?" Basch said answering.

"I just wanted to check was yer wee sister supposed to go out tonight with (Y/n)" I asked nervously.

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