Cheating America x reader

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So quick little mention Your sister is Belgium I'm not really sure if Emma's the official human name but I wanted to get that out there to clear any confusion Also Netherlands is Mogens and Luxembourg is Siegfried

Also quick warning this fanfic does have some sensitive themes relating to pulling the plug on someone if thats something personal to you it would be advised not to read

Your POV:

"Hey So what do you think of this dress?" I asked my sister Emma
We were in a bridal shop looking for something to wear to my wedding with Alfred.
" ... I think it's nice" Emma said looking distant.
"Emma is something wrong?" I asked.
"...I just am a little concerned about this wedding I don't think Alfred is the right guy for you" She said.
"Why?" I asked.
" I don't know there's just something off about him. Maybe it's just in my head an I'm being an overprotective big sister, but still..." Emma explained.
"I appreciate your concern but It's okay Alfreds a good guy he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt me" I said smiling.
"I hope so" Emma said.
Timeskip to later
I was walking up the stairs of Alfreds apartment I haven't told him I was coming over I had wanted it to be a surprise.
I had came up to the door of his apartment and reached for the spare key underneath his mat. I unlocked to the door and popped my head in.
"Hey Alfred i-..." I started to say but froze when I saw the sight before
Alfred was in the room shirtless with his arms wrapped around another girl who was wearing just a bra and panties. And that girl was none other then my best friend Anya.

"WHATS GOING ON!?" I yelled.

Alfred turned to look at me. He had look of pure horror on his face.

"(Y-Y/N) THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE?!" Alfred said moving away from Anya.

"Then what is it?!" I asked in a harsh tone.




"...I guess it is what it looks, but... I still love you! Its just this whole wedding thing scared me and I guess this was my way of reacting to it. I'm sorry please don't leave me!" He said grabbing my hand.

"My sister was right about you!" I said slapping his hand away with tears running down my face.

I then turned to Anya.

"And you... I-i thought you were my friend!" I yelled.

Anya avoided ye contact with me.

"I'm sorry", She mumbled.

"I'm done with you!" I said and ran out of the apartment in tears.

"WAIT!? (Y/N)!?" Alfred called out. I raced down the stairs and out the building

America's POV:

What the hell was i thinking (Y/n) was the best thing thats ever happened to me. Seeing her face when she walked in on me and Anya reminded me of that, Of what I threw away...

I chased after outside of the apartment.

"(Y/N)!? WAIT!?" I called out to her as she ran out of the apartment.

She turned to look at me then quickly raced across the street... She went so fast not even looking both ways as a car collided right into her.

It was as if time froze suddenly and my world came crashing down.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!" I called out.

(Y/n) was hurt and it was all my fault...


Third Person POV:

Inside a hospital room your sister Emma was sorrowfully washing your face with a wet rag.

as your older brother Mogens was looking out the window as he found unbearable to look at you in that condition. The collision had left you in the state of a vegetable. Unable to move move or talk. You were just laying there frozen. The doctors predicted you would never wake up.Siegfried had left the room for a minute saying he had to go to the bathroom but he had actually went off to cry.

Doctors did recommend to your brothers and sister they should consider pulling the plug.

Another man had walked into your hospital room carrying a bouquet of (favorite flowers). His head hung low to afraid to look at your siblings in the eye. That man was Alfred.

Mogens turned around noticing Alfred. Mogens walked over to him and slapped him in the face.

"THIS ALL YOU FAULT!?" He yelled.




"Brother..." Emma said watching the scene in tears.

"If you never cheated... If she never met you... THIS WOULD NEVER HAD HAPPEN! SHE'STILL BE HERE WITH US", Mogens yelled.

"I know... i'm sorry.. I'm so sorry" Alfred said with tears pouring down his face.


Mogens pointed to the door.


Alfred solemnly walked out.

In the end your siblings pulled the plug after waiting 3 years.

Alfred lived the rest of his life blaming himself for your death. He ended things with Anya. And had made a vow that he would never fall in love again and never get married for what he did to you. He lived the rest of his life alone with regret.

This was a request someone made on amino. I have five more request to finish for people from amino. I'm not accepting request anymore or on here just yet.

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