Daddy Romano x Child Reader: Eata more!

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Translation notes

Bambina- baby girl

BAMBINA STUPIDO! VUOI SCEGLIERE SICK E MUORE !? - Stupid girl! Do you want to get sick and die?!

Fratello- brother

Oh! Mio prezioso angelo, non hai nulla di cui scusarti!- Oh! My precious angel, you have nothing to be sorry for!

  Ti voglio bene  - I love you (family)

Your POV:

I took a several bites of my pizza. I ate a little more then half of it.

" PAPA! I'M DONE!" I called out.

My papa came into the dinning room giving me a concerned look.

"You barely ate anything! (Y/n) eata more! Here you should have one more pizza " Papa said grabbing another slice and put it on my plate.
"NO! I already had two slices! I want to play!" I said.
"You didn't have two slices! You had one and a quater! (Y/n) you need to eat!" Papa yelled.
"I DID EAT!" I yelled getting off my chair and running off to play with my toys.

Romano's POV

What am I gonna do with that girl. If she doesn't eat she's going to starve to death.
I walked out into living room to find my little bambina playing with her barbies.
"(Y/n) please come back and eat more then you can play. Papa will even play with you" I said trying to remain calm.
"No not hungry" She said.
Relax Lovino, relax
"My little bambina please eat for Papa! If you don't want pizza I can make you pasta! Or anything else you'd want" I said smiling.
" Hmm? I want..." (Y/n) said with a very concentrated look on his face.
Thank God I was able to convince her before I lost it and yelled at the sweet bambina.
"I want more barbies" (Y/n) said smiling.
"(Y/N) GO EAT FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!" I yelled completely losing it.
"No papa I'm full!" She said
Tears started welling up in (Y/n)'s eyes.
"YOUR A STUPID TOMATO BASTARD PAPA AND I HATE YOU!!!" She yelled in tears as she ran to her room.
I collapsed to the floor
I'm sucha idiot I made my little bambina cry. She hates me now
I know Im usually like that but I always try to acta my best in fronta her but I couldn't help it I was so concerned and fustrared. My little bambina could be sick

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"What idiota bastard is it now?!"  I said getting off the floor annoyed I marched to the door opening it to find my stupid brother and that potato bastard he was dating.

"Lovi~! I camea to see you~! Wheres the little bambina~?" My fratello asked in his annoyingly cheerful voice

"DON'TA CALL ME THAT AND NOWS NOTA GOOD TIME! " I yelled glaring at his stupid face.

"Aww~!Why~?" He asked.

And so I explained to the two bastards What happened taking them to the kitchen showing them how much (Y/n) had ate.

"OH NO THE BAMBINA IS GONNA GET SICK!" Feliciano screamed and started crying.

" two being serious?" The potato bastard asked as he finally opened his mouth.
"WHAT?!" I yelled then glared at him.
"I mean she are pleanty for her age she's only 3 how much vere you expecting her to eat?" Potato bastard asked.
"No I'm just saying she may know vhat's best for her if she says she's full maybe it because she is"  The potato bastard said.
"ehh stupid potato bastard! show yourself a out of my house!" I yelled the marched to (Y/N)'s bedroom upstairs.
Maybe he had a point.
I knocked on the door.
"Go away I still hate you!" (Y/n) called out.
"Please Bambina open up Papa wants to apologize" I said.
"NO!" She yelled.
"I'll buy you more barbies~!" I said in a happy voice that sounded very similar to my fratello. (Y/n) was the only person who ever heard me use such a voice.
"...NOPE!" She yelled.
"Eh! I thought you wanted more?" I said.
"That was then this is now! Take me to Disneyworld and I'll let you in!" She said.
I could probably find the money somehow...
"Fine! We can go to Disneyworld. Now let me in my little bambina~!" I said giving in.
She opened the door then ran over to her bed still glaring at me.
I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry my bambina, I overreacted I was just worried you weren't eating enough cause you wanted to play but if you say your full then I'll belive you next time" I said.
"I wanted to eat more of the pizza but I felt like I was gonna throw up. You make the best pizza papa I wish I could've ate all of it. I'm sorry my tummy can't fit it all" (Y/n) said looking apologetic.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh! Mio prezioso angelo, non hai nulla di cui scusarti!" I said kissing her forehead once again then ruffling her (h/c) hair.

(Y/n) let out a little giggle then looked at me smiling.

"Ti voglio bene, Papa" (Y/n) said hugging me. 

 "Ti voglio bene, my bambina" I said hugging her back

So I want to leave a little explanation this is sort of based on my experiences with my italian family. Italians cam be very much worryworts especially when it comes to kids/grandkids and I wouldn't say this is a bad thing sense it comes from a place. Food is also very important they eat a lot and often times and I've seen this happen with my cousin and myself when I was younger they get extremely worried if you don't eat as much as them they think there might be something wrong or you don't like there cooking. And it's not just but guests to, Italians worse fears are probably you starving to death in there house. Which often times its forgotten that kids don't  eat as big serving sizes as adults. And I love my family but I do always feel a bit anxious about going to social gatherings just cause I still don't have that big of an aptite and I'll usually have a lot of food thrown at me even if I say no. Anyway I thought this would be a good fanfic to write. I know Italy fits the mold better as a worrysone parent but sense my family came from south Italy and I kind of like Romano better so I chose him.

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