Prince Turkey x Reader: I thought of you everyday

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Third person POV
One day a long time ago prince Sadik escaped the palace at the time he was only 11 when he met you
You both started playing that day and became friends in the matter of seconds. He would come to see you almost everyday. He became a very important person to you. Over time developed a crush on him. In fact he even started having feelings for you.

However his father the sultan started getting suspicious after awhile so he sent some guard to follow him secretly. They stealthily followed him to discover he was going to meet with you. You were a mere commoner though what right did you have be friends with prince. The guards forcefully took him back to the castle where they reported to the sultan where Sadik had been running off to. As a result the Sultan made sure Sadik was always under surveillance and that he was never allowed to step foot out of the palace, much less see you again. After all he was a prince and you were a mere street rat according to his father.

Years passed but Sadik never forgot about you. You were the only person he could call a friend the only person that mattered to him he yearned to see you again. and you never forgot him

Turkey's POV:

Father summoned me to have a talk. This can't be good, sadly i couldn't get out of it cause i had guards surrounding me at every side. Its like i'm a prisoner to this castle.

"Sadik..." Father said smirking, sitting on his throne as some servants fanned him.

"Yes?" I asked with a voice laced with attitude.

"Sadik your finally old enough. I think its time you got married", Father said with a confidant smile.

"NO!" I yelled at him causing him to glare.




"Why do you defy me boy?" He asked standing up from his seat walking over to me slowly.

"I want to marry for love" I said as i glared back at him.

I couldn't help but think about (Y/n). 

"I hope your not thinking of that disgusting commoner. I really should of killed that brat when i had the chance...ah but thats not important. I don't care who you 'love' you will marry who i chose for you", He said with a sinister smirk.

Third Person POV:

Over the years you never forgot about your precious friend and childhood love Sadik. You tried to forget about him knowing nothing would ever come of it.

You also had to sub come to thievery because money was rough.

You were sitting in an alley munching on some bread you stole. You hated stealing but you needed to do it to survive. 

"(Y/N)!? (Y/N)!?" Your friend Michelle called running to you panting.

"Are you okay?" You asked the girl.

She took a moment to catch her breath

"Y-yeah... I have bad news" She said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Its about that prince you've had a major crush on for like 10 years" She said.

"I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!"You yelled blushing.

"WAIT! Is he okay?!" You asked now worried.

"...Um physically yes but apparently he's getting married" She said.




Your world came crashing down at that moment. You knew it was childish to hold out hope that he still had feelings for you and remembered you but realistically you knew it was more likely he'd move on.

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