Chapter 3

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Benajmin's movements were sure and precise. He moved with a swiftness that any dancer would envy. I've always trained and fought with the warriors at court, but this was a whole other ball game. I blocked another blow, spun around and brought my arm up just in time to cover my head from a strike.

I was already out of breath. The wheels in my mind were spinning too fast to keep up. Everywhere Benjamin's body touched mine, shocks erupted and travelled through every cell in me. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the movement of his body. His scent filled my nostrils and made my heart pound in excitement.

I was on my back. Benjamin had long since drove me off of the fighting mat. The twigs and rocks dug into my exposed back where my shirt had lifted. Benjamin was on top of me and, instead of fighting back, I froze. I was suddenly aware of just how extremely close we were and how amazing it felt. I wasn't focusing on the fight at all. It cost me dearly.

I was unexpectedly hauled off of the ground and tossed through the air. My breath rushed from my lips as I hit the ground. Something sharp dug into my side. I could feel the tiny wounds in my back from the numerous sharp rocks and sticks.

I flopped onto my back and stared at the open sky peeping through the trees. There was a strange ringing in my ears. Moments passed. Then, I heard something from the watching crowd that made my blood boil and my vision turn red, "I thought they said he was a Galager." I started shaking. Nobody would insult the Galager name. I'd make damn sure of it.

I sprung to my feet in one fluid motion. My hands came up as my leg shot sideways at lightning speed. Benjamin barely had time to register his shock before my foot connected with the side of his chest. The students were standing around us in a tight circle, but quickly took a few steps back as our fight continued.

Benjamin regained his balance and faced me again, his arms raised. His face was blank, but his eyes held something that made me proud: respect. I didn't know why it mattered to me what he thought, but it did.

I had him pinned to the ground two minutes later. The instructor declared me the victor. I stood, towering over Benjamin. Our eyes met and I stuck out a hand to help him up. A few of the other students gasped. Alphas never accepted help, especially not after a defeat like that.

A tense few seconds passed as Benjamin stared at my outstretched hand. Then, he surged up and gripped my arm tightly. I was grinning as I pulled him to my chest. He tapped my back three times. "Good fight," he said, letting go of my arm and making his way to his packmembers.

The class was utterly silent. I couldn't blame them, I was surprised too. I'd never fought like that before. It was as if my body just knew exactly what to do and which muscles to move.

For the rest of the class, I switched partners after every round. I won each and every fight. Some didn't even last a full minute. Suddenly, I wasn't just the outsider freak anymore. I was someone to be respected. Someone to fear. Good. Fear is good, father had always said. Especially amongst those who are weaker than you. A bell sounded in the distance.

"Uh... Right." The instructor was staring at me in shock, the final student that I could fight in the class pinned underneath me on the mat. "That's your que. Next class. Come on. Move it along."

The walk back to the Academy buildings was a quiet one. Hushed murmurs sounded up every now and then, but the words were too soft to catch. One thing was clear: I wasn't going to be brushed off by anyone anymore.

I stopped in front of a lecture hall. Students were filing in. I got a few impressed slaps on the back from people who had either been in the forest, or had heard of what had happened from friends. I hid a wince and gave a tight lipped smile.

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