Little Lion | ❤️ FLUFF

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Prompt --> 2. "Someone's in a bad mood."

Huge shoutout to _Limping_Newt_ for giving me my first prompt!

Also, go give her a follow! I checked out her books and they are amazing!

*John P.O.V.*

I look up at the ceiling and sigh. It is a school day, and I've woke up early. Ive already gotten ready and done everything, but now Im just running out of ideas. Alex is still asleep, passed out after a full night of writing. I search my mind for something to do, but no matter how hard I think, I can never come up with anything. I lay back on the bed, moving nearer to Alex.

Alex. My little lion.

I've nicknamed Alex 'Little Lion' ever since I met him. I always think its funny how Alex is so short but feisty at the same time. He always wants to be in charge, and he's also VERY protective of me. And well... he's... aggressive. And dominant. But that part is only a small part of the reason I gave him that nickname.

I snuggle near him, wrapping my arms around him. Thats when I see it. The little black sharpie pen on the bedside table. An idea immediately forms in my head and I silently crawl out of bed. Using my top-notch turtle skills, I slowly move while hiding in my camouflaged shell. (aka Alex's dark green hoodie) I grab the sharpie from the table and look over to Alex. I pop off the cap and slowly draw lines on my boyfriend's face. First, I start with the whiskers, drawing three lines on each of his cheeks. I fill in a black nose and draw a line down to his lip, where I create the finishing touches. I step back and admire my now realistic little lion. I stifle a laugh and gently shake Alex awake.

"What time is it..." Alex groans, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"5:30 AM," I say, still giggling at the sight of him.

"Shit!" Alex exclaims, rushing out of bed. "I only have 2 hours to get ready!" He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before running off to grab his clothes. I watch as he scrambles for items until finding an outfit and heading to the restroom.

I wait and wait in anticipation until I finally hear an angry and horrified scream from the other room.

"John Laurens! Come here right now!" Alex yells.
I quickly run to the restroom and find a half-naked Alex examining his face in the mirror.

"What the hell did you do?!" Alex says, turning towards me. "I have so many important things at school today! How am I going to fix this?!"

"Well, I thought everyone would want to see my little lion," I say innocently.

"Oh my god John! Is this inpermanent marker?!" Alex asks, washing his face.

"Oops," I giggle.

"John!" Alex groan.

"It's hard to take you seriously with that cute face of yours," I say, kissing his nose.
Alex crosses his arms and turns away from me.

"Fuck you," he says.

"Oh, please do," I say, making Alex blush a bit.

"No, no love for you tonight," Alex says, slipping on a shirt and pants. "I'll see you later."

"No Alex, wait! I'm sorry!"

And he slams the door in my face.


"Alex... please listen to me," I whine, sitting next to him on the bus. Alex huffs and changes seats.

"Alex...." I say, piping up behind him.

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