Trapped In Your Story | ❤️FLUFF

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I'm alive! (depressing, I know)
I finally wrote another one-shot! This took a while.

But guys:
My BTS obsession has soared.

I can't even stop literally I put so many BTS references in this. (You can see the references if you watch the video above)


Well who can blame me? Anyways, enjoy this one-shot!

*3rd Person P.O.V.*

16-year-old John Laurens is a quiet boy. For his entire life, he has been isolated from the company of others, and the only people he has ever met is his parents. He doesn't know why his life is this way, or why his parents are so protective, but for some reason he isn't allowed to see anyone. His parents lock all the doors, board all the windows, and trap him away from all the joys of the world. Though there is only one place to which John can escape to. This place is the world of books.
If there is one thing John could do forever, it would be reading. John has read countless books about history and the scenery of the earth. All he wants to do is explore. He's read all the books his parents gave him. Every single one, from Children's' Books to 5000 page novels. He is allowed to read any book he'd like.

All except for one.

His parents have ordered him never to open that book. Though John is being confined to a small world, his parents haven't gotten him new books in months. It is like they're calling him to it.

So one day, while his parents are fast asleep, John slithers out of his dark room, through the hallways, and approaches the pedestal where the book lies. He silently creeps up to it and brushes the dust off the cover. He can see large letters in black font that were worn away after years of destruction. He suspects the book will tell him something new, something his parents have been hiding from him. However, a small part of him wonders if this book is the reason he is hiding. However, that can't be true. What harm can a book really do? John picks up the heavy object, weighing it in his hands before taking a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing..." John whispers, flipping open the thick book.

*John's P.O.V.*

There is a flash of white light and a high pitched scream as images swirl around my head. It is as if I am watching from a different perspective. I can see myself falling into an endless pit of darkness, fear built on my face as time continues on. A chorus of sirens and high-pitched beeping invades my hearing, causing me to cover his ears and tuck my head in my chest. The sound continues to grow louder and louder, making me scream as tears roll down my face. I can feel the sound coursing through my veins, sending stabs of pain through every area of my being.


Then all of a sudden, the sirens stop, the dizziness ceases, and I find myself lying in a large field, faces looming over me. I almost scream before I see smiles breaking out on all of the faces.

"What are you doing?" the first face asks, smiling and laughing. He extends a hand, pulling me up and patting me on the back. "You had us scared to death." He has dark skin, nice brown eyes, and short hair that is tied around with a red headband.

I blink and look back at them blankly. "U-uh..." I stammer. I have never seen other people before. What am I supposed to say?

"You look tired," the man who helped me up says. "Do you need water?"

"Herc, he's only been out for about 30 seconds. I'm pretty sure he's fine," another man laughs. I can hint a bit of a French accent in his voice, and I can't help but smiling. I have learned about France in Events of World History: Volume 30. Now, I am face to face with one of the citizens!

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