Missing Piece| ❤️(KLANCE)❤️

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I freaking love this video

Hello! This is dedicated to my best friend lanceinyourpants . I love you!

Anyways, I know this isn't Lams, but I've been trying to improve my writing lately and start branching out to other ships. I know my writing is terrible and honestly this one probably still sucks, but I'm working really hard to become better! Enjoy this Voltron Klance one-shot!

(Takes place after Season 8, at Shiro's wedding)

*Lance's P.O.V.*

"Everyone, it is my honor to present to you Takashi and Curtis Shirogane!"

Happy tears form in my eyes as I cheer for them. I can't believe that Shiro is already married!

Time has flown by ever since our last battle. Ever since Allura died, us palidans have broken off on our different paths. We still visit and talk to each other very frequently, but we have become fairly occupied with our new lives. I'm not complaining, I actually enjoy my quiet life of farming. It's just... Everyone is focused on fulfilling their dreams, so we aren't together as often as we used to be. I miss seeing everyone, especially one person. Years ago I would've been astounded at my longing for this person, as I had a past rivalry with them. But moments of battle, friendship, and understanding have led us to become good buddies.

Of course, The person I'm talking about is the one and only Keith Kogane. Despite our past hatred towards each other, we have actually grown really close, especially after Allura died. He immediately came to comfort me after the war with Haggar ended. I know he's busy with the whole Blade of Marmora thing, but I'd really like to spend more time with him. I generally enjoy his company... he's the one person that's always been there to comfort me. I mean, to think we were ever rivals is a odd thought. I'm glad we accepted each other and became friends. Now, I've been longing to be with him more than ever.

Fortunately for me, today is Shiro and Curtis's wedding... and Keith wouldn't miss that for the world. Shiro is like an older brother to Keith, having taken care of him ever since he visited our old school.

Obviously, all of us are thrilled to be guests at our "Space Dad's" wedding. We have been watching Shiro and Curtis's relationship develop since we returned to earth, and we were all ecstatic to learn that they were finally taking the next step. Actually, it was quite a surprise to everyone when we figured out Shiro was gay. Or it was to me, anyways. Everyone else had already figured it out when Shiro came out to us. I guess I'm just a bit clueless sometimes. Nevertheless, all of us have still supported him through his relationship. Being here today is exciting for all of us.

I snap back into reality, looking up as people surround the couple with congratulations and love. I head up to both of them, smiling and patting Shiro on the back.

"You've finally done it!" I tell him. "Congrats to both of you!"

"Thanks," Shiro smiles, holding Curtis's hand. "I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband."

Curtis laughs and blushes a bit. "And I'm so lucky to have you." They share a passionate glance before kissing each other lightly on the lips.

"Hey! Not in front of the kids!" I joke, pointing towards Nadia and Sylvio, my niece and nephew. Shiro and Curtis both chuckle, and Curtis speaks up.

"Hey, don't make fun of us!" He says. "Plus, you might be next."

"Me?! No way!" I laugh nervously, my eyes darting to the ground beneath me. "I haven't really thought of anyone else since Allura. "

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