The Morning After

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Rays of sunlight come streaming through the window, hitting me square in the face and nearly blinding me. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn over in bed, pressing my face into the sheets. Inhaling deeply, I begin to realize that these sheets don't smell like mine. I open my eyes, panicking for just a moment before realizing where I am.

Last night when Harry took me back to my dorm, I found out that I had inconveniently forgotten my keys inside. I told Harry to just leave, and I would wait for my roommates to come back and unlock it for me, but he insisted on waiting with me. After an hour with still no response from any of my roommates, Harry finally convinced me to just go sleep at his place. He tried to stay up and talk with me, but his friendliness only conflicted and confused me more, so I pretended to fall asleep to just avoid the whole thing altogether.

Harry must have carried me to his bed at some point, because I could have sworn that I was on his couch before. My question is how he keeps picking me up so effortlessly, because I a not a small person by any means.

Forcing myself to sit up, I look around the room and see that I am alone. I also notice that I am no longer wearing that terribly uncomfortable dress and instead am wearing one of Harry's black tshirts. I do remember changing into it, so no worries.

I can't tell what time it is, so I walk quietly from the bedroom in case Harry is sleeping somewhere in here. To my surprise, I see a pillow with a folded blanket sitting on the brown, leather couch with no sign of Harry anywhere. Just as I am beginning to freak out just a little, I hear the sound of water running from the next room over. When I enter the kitchen, an amazing smell reaches my nose and I see Harry standing with his back to me, shirtless and rinsing something in the sink.

Okay, that's for sure sexy as fuck, but what is it with guys standing shirtless in the kitchen every time they have a girl over? That happens in movies all the time, but I kind of just thought it was a myth. I guess I was wrong about that one. Also, if those are pancakes I smell, I'm literally going to die of happiness.

My breath hitches in my throat at the sight of the morning sun shining through the window and onto his tan, tattooed skin. When he turns around, the light hits him in such a way that outlines his silhouette and makes him look like an actual angel descending from heaven to make me food. But aside from all that, when Harry smiles at me, I become suddenly terribly aware of the fact that I have no pants on- just a lacy black thong and his tshirt that barely covers my ass. Fan-fucking-tastic.

"Good morning," Harry says in his deep, groggy morning voice. His eyes dart down to my legs as I try to pull the shirt down as far as it will go. He doesn't look long, and when his eyes meet mine, I can see just a little bit of redness infiltrating his cheeks. Is he blushing?

"Good morning," I reply, nervously walking towards the counter and standing behind it to hide myself. When I get closer to him, I see that there are, in fact, pancakes cooking on the stove. Hell, yes. "Thanks for letting me stay here, Harry. I really appreciate it."

"Any time." As soon as the words leave Harry's mouth, I can see that he becomes slightly flustered, which honestly, is totally adorable. "I mean, yeah, no problem," Harry corrects himself, turning again towards the window and taking two plates from the shelf. He sets them on the counter beside the stove and picks up the spatula, flipping the beautiful, sweet carb-cakes onto the plates.

"I hope you like pancakes," Harry says smilingly, walking past me to the kitchen table and setting the plates down.

"Who doesn't?" I laugh nervously from my place behind the counter and try not to think about the fact that I'm literally standing here with no bra in my underwear. Harry glances up at me again and tells me to wait just a moment before he heads into his bedroom. When he returns, he is wearing a plain, white tshirt, and in his hand, he has a pair of plaid pajama pants.

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