Chapter 7

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Giving Justice

I went to the cellar and started getting everything ready for our new guest.  I was going to take Wilson's kid in the back way so he did not see her yet. I was going to put four to a cell and the lowlife ball player by his self. He was in for a nice surprise.  He thinks all that money he has made claiming how he was so called oppressed can do him some good now.  He has another think coming. I made sure there was already some nice cold food for them in there to eat.  You know the usual. Cold ass hotdogs, two day old bread, bologna and some raw eggs. I threw all the hotdogs in the tolet for the new guys and then just to add a little flavor to them I pissed all over them. I also went ahead and put their plastic cups in there for them to drink water out of. These guys were in for a whole new lifestyle. I loved it. See when you are a coward cop you go and find bull shit work to do like screwing with the homeless that really pisses me off. Real cops go and find real criminals to put in jail. These guys I have are cowards. They should have never been on the force in the first place. Well, now they are in my world.

After I had the cells ready I went back up topside to talk with our guest. Funny how I call them guest when they are actually prisoners of justice.  Anyway, I went over to the ballplayer and took off his blindfold and gag. I said" Well there Mr. Famous Ballplayer Orlando Thomas Scott,  How the hell are you? You lowlife piece of shit you. You are the dirtbag that likes to disrespect our Flag, Country, and Veterans. Am I correct?"  He looked at me with so much hate in his eyes if looks could kill I would be a dead son of a bitch. Then I kicked him right in the mouth with my steel toe boots and said "Look you lowlife piece of shit, I ask you a question?" It knocked out the top four upper teeth and the three lower teeth. It also ripped his lips and he was bleeding like a stuck hog. After I did that he was not such a badass. He looked at me and said "It was not about that." I was really pissed now. I said "Ok. shithead. What was it about?" He told me he was protesting the way minorities  were being treated in The United States and the rights of minorities  being violated. He said they were open game for the police and they were tired of suffering all these years of oppression. Now I was really hot to trot. I looked at him and told him ok shithead I guess affirmative action is for white people. Is that correct dipshit? He did not say a word. I guess diversity in our Colleges and Universities where a minority kid gets in with a lower GPA even though a white kid might have a higher GPA.  Is that the violations and oppression you are talking about you piece of shit?  He did not say a word. Look asshole you are going to answer me or you will wish you had. Then he looked at me and said: "That is not what I am talking about or protesting about." He was talking with a real bad lisp after I had kicked his teeth out and his lips almost tore off.   I was so mad now I wanted to put a bullet right between his eyes. I told him then to just shut the hell up and be quiet before he pisses me off even more.

Then I went over to the four scumbag cops who were arresting people for feeding the homeless. I took all of their blindfolds off and then they all looked at me in amazement. They knew exactly who I was at that moment. I could see in their eyes they knew I was the guy who inherited all that money and was a friend to law enforcement. You could have knocked them over with a feather. They were actually speechless. I looked at them and said: "Surprised fellers?" One of them asks me why I was doing this to them?  I answered "Because you are scumbag lowlife cops who are supposed to protect and serve.  You were arresting people who were feeding the homeless and that was nothing short of just being a complete asshole. That is not protecting and serving assholes.    Now you guys are going to get some real justice. Arresting nice people who were just trying to do good for other people.  That is why you assholes are here and here you will stay" 

I then walked over to the other group of asshole cops or should I say chicken shit cops who have nothing better to do that bother homeless people. I then took off their blindfolds and gags. I got the same reaction as I did from the other group. All they could think of was why I was doing this to them so I told them the same thing I told the other group. I said to them "OK, All of you listen up. I am about to get you out of the hogtied position. I am going to get you all up on your knees so you can see and hear everything I am about to tell you. I went by each one and set them up on their knees and put a strap around their head and connected a clip chain to the back of the handcuff chain each one was wearing. This way they were in a position so they could not move.

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