Chapter 8

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[Lizi's POV]

I'll be completely honest; I have no idea how to do spells.

Much less correct one.

I open Seto's book, 'Sorcery 101'. He said it helped him when he was first becoming a sorcerer. Now he's known as SetoSorcerer.

Maybe if I got as big as him, I'd be LiziSorcerer.

[Seto's POV]

As kind as it is for Lizi to offer to do some research, she knows nothing about sorcery and spells.

But I want her to try, so I work on another spell.

One that could let me talk to Ty.

'Ty? Can you hear me?'


'Yes. Where are you and Adam?'

*I- why do you know Adam and I? It was only a dream.

'Ty. Snap out of it. It wasn't a dream.'

*No. You're wrong. It-

'Dammit, Ty! Just listen to me!'

*Why? You're just a voice in my head.

'I'm not- whatever. Something in the spell went wrong and I have to fix it.' By "I", I mean Lizi. I didn't tell him that. 'Until I fix it, you and Adam have to stay wherever you are.' considering Lizi's experience and... 'Valerie and Mitch left so it might take a few years-'

*A few years?!

'I'm working on it! Crap, the spell is running ou-'

*Wait! Seto!

Ty's voice faded out. I tried.

I guess denial isn't just a river in Egypt anymore.

((Haha denial like De Nile River.))

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