Chapter 14

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[Jerome's POV]

Ty and I walked back to the house hand-in-hand.

I guess it only makes sense for us to date because Adam and Mitch are gone.

Wait... I thought of Mitch and didn't cry.

I smile. That's the first time in 5 months I've smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Ty noticed me smiling.

"I thought of Mitch and, for the first time, I haven't started crying." I smiled broader. Ty began smiling too.

"It's christmas tomorrow." Ty says after some silence.

"Yeah." I respond. There was silence until we reached the house.

[Adam's POV]

I've been sleeping more and more the longer I stay in here. I feel my eyelids drooping but I'm afraid to close my eyes. I'm afraid that if I close my eyes, I won't open them again. I see a girl with blonde, curly hair in a white dress walk up to me.

"Am I- dying?" I croak. She smiles.

"No." I give a sigh of relief. "But you will soon if you don't come out." that feeling of relief exited me almost as soon as it came.

"But I-I" I started. "I c-can't come out. My f-friends all hate me."

"How do you know that?" A puzzling, innocent expression crossed her face.

"I-I sent o-one of my best friend to an a- an a-asylum."

"You have to come out." She says in a smooth, calming voice. "Your friends miss you." She cups her hands and a bubble appears. I look closer at the bubble and it shows a crying Jerome and a crying Ty. Seeing them made me tear up.

"T-Ty. Jerome."

"They need you, Adam." She said. The bubble floated up in the air until it disappeared and I felt a sudden urge to stand up and go embrace them both. But I had one more question for her.

"I-I feel like I know you from somewhere." She smiles.

"I'm Mayli Derenity. Remember me?" She begins fading away and the urge goes away but I need to see them. I slowly stand up and grab the door handle for support. I click it unlocked and hear footsteps towards the door.

"Adam?" I hear Ty mutter. I hold the wall and fling the door open.

[Ty's POV]

I walk up to the door to ask for him to come out one last time.

"Adam?" I hear shuffling and feel something embrace me. "Adam!" He holds me tight and I hold onto his frail body. I feel him crying on my shoulders.

"Ty. I'm so so-" He stops as he realizes I'm crying too.


Oh. Better job than I thought, Mayli.

Thank you. Does this mean I get a raise?

Just a medal. We can't afford any more budget raises.

Ha. Well, the fangirls finally know it's not asflox.

Or is it? They hadn't seen how subject 54 reacts to subject 53 and subject 59 in the same room.

Subject 54 hasn't even seen subject 59 yet.


((Snap. Adam came out. Uhh... BANNANA! *throws bannana at you*

PandiKandi: I'm gonna murder you.

Me: uhh... w-why?

PandiKandi: You threw a bannana at me and now your making asflox why WOULDN'T I murder you??

Me: ...))

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