Chapter 10

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The Nordic house was in disarray. All were searching anywhere they could think and the boys were scared. Papers were hung on every wall and floor. Furniture flipped and no signs of clues. The last person to come into contact was Finland, that was known. Norway was the last to hear from Denmark. And missing a Nordic was not something they prided themselves on. It was all falling apart, the situation was fine until Denmark's boss called asking if he left since he had missed their meetings.

Then, days later he called again. In hopes to help Finland instead attended and collected paperwork however not everything could be disclosed to him. No other nations have seen any sign of the Dane nor did he leave messages to any.

Denmark was still missing. The only thing known for sure was that he'd be in Europe but closing it off to one continent still made it impossible as long as the Schengen agreement was operating and they couldn't call for every nation to close it. Not only would every European nation apart of the European Union be at a loss with it even temporarily shut down but many nations not in the committee were signed and taking part such as Norway himself. Therefore the only option left, was to search.

Norway and Iceland were driving around Denmark in hopes of finding him, however after a week they had to catch upon their duties. During their departure Finland did the little work on and for Matthias's he could with Sweden keeping communication lines open to every nation all five were allies with or working or even talking about alliances with in the last century.

Norway hadn't made nor discussed this however Finland soon wondered if something was attacking nation by nation. First Norway, then Iceland with a small case and suddenly Denmark was missing. He had to wonder if every nation was going to go through this and why it was just Nordics so far. Shouldn't Romania, England and their surrounding nations be affected. Even if England was an island his brothers would be affected. Then the issue of Bulgaria and Moldova being perfectly fine on top of other nations in eastern Europe.

Although they did have magic, if they had a cure they would have to share it. Wouldn't they?

England and Romania were located in the later's attic at this point attempting to locate the missing nation. Sadly, nothing could be reported and they knew exactly how Norway was reacting. Freaking out. That was why only he and Iceland was driving around Denmark as well but the magic users were worried. With no known economic reason at their disposal they had to wonder why he abandoned his duties as the personification of a nation. And if it was a state of economic issues and the nation was conscious, they would make work their top priority.

The only other hypothesis they could come up with was one they hoped never would happen. If it was the case, they needed to be the first to find him. Especially before the Nordics let alone the brothers. If either of those two found out that t his conspiracy theory was indeed correct, northern Europe would never be the same.

One of several options were open if Denmark did indeed receive his memories and got into contact with either Iceland or Norway. Firstly if with Iceland the teen could be even more bearing since a certain Romanian 'forgot' to take his memories and become stressed of the past and how it was dealt with and hope to never permit it by being a shield. Again if Iceland discovered him he could do the complete opposite. Feed his brother to the wolves. Basically give Lukas to Denmark, whether he moderated it or tossed the nation towards the Dane like a rag doll and all degrees in between, who knew.

If Norway found out he could simply receive his memories once again if they were triggered resulting in most likely a stronger alliance in the coming years. Norway could not get his memories back and it end the same as the first way or the final. Get his memories and declare war since it wasn't like he couldn't grow a temper. With this in mind, it could result in another world war.

The third way for if Norway found Denmark with his memories were the largest concern to every nation. However only two of the magic users knew that as of now. A war between such close allies, who have common allies. It would be full of ruining trust between nations worse than any other war. And with technological advancements in mind, it would be impossible to know what would be the end of it; Even with a spell that could share the future since everything would be jumbled. War was something no one wanted, however it was known already that if Denmark and Norway went to war with memories, Denmark would rather death where as Norway would most likely be willing to give him his wish.

And they along with their allies would be with Norway. Of course not all, but all who didn't would lose their alliances.With their abilities on top of that, who could say what the magic trio could do when partnered in a world war? After all even they didn't know all the boundaries of magic and have been pushing them further back for centuries.

As the nations of the world panicked and attempted to solve the crisis of the missing embodiment of Denmark, said nation was doing his own wondering across his own land and other Nordic land, including the islands. Matthias felt awful for abandoning his duties however this was more important to him personally since, after all he could just catch up on the missed work. Then felt even worse when in the middle of a discussion over messenger with Lukas, lost his phone. Even at this week mark, the blond still was unsure where or how he lost the device. But he would complete his goal.

Matthias Kohler personification of Denmark would not rest until he fulfilled his goal of finding and collecting the promise that would change everything. If the task proved to be impossible, he rather be dead and if he died finding it, he died for what mattered to him.

That was all anyone could hope to do. Do anything you could to get what you needed and loved.

Another week passed.......

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