Author's note

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I want to say thank you to everyone! I can't believe this story is actually done! I've been working on this since the end of December and still need to edit a lot of little mistakes...  

Honestly, I still can't believe I'm posting this along with the last chapter. I was so scared to even start posting online again, this story helped a lot.

I'll stop rambling now...

Basically this is here to say, yes this is the end, but~ fret not! The sequel(!) called with time, we scar is going to be released asap (As soon as I can get an artist to do a cover) However, if anyone had noticed to what I upload, I started sharing a Voltron story so I have no clue how this will affect updating schedules... probably not much but still, just in case.

At this point of With Memories, We Forget  I have to admit, It got some amazing rankings! Within the second week of it being posted it got #1 in Aphdenmark and high ranks in many other tags, that's all because of you brilliant people who decided to read, comment and vote on this thirty eight chapter angst ball, so, thank you.

Basically I wanted to say thanks, and see you in the sequel! 

Till then!

DayDreamingNinja007 (Or Editor-Chan if you ask certain people....)


I should've said this a while ago but for all those who don't know the sequel is out! Can you believe that! I'm not a complete lazy ass! I'm not giving spoilers but~ some different characters play a big part, some that most probably don't expect.  Any who~ I hope you enjoyed this book and enjoy the sequel!

With Memories, We ForgetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon