Chapter 29

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The door closed and Emil was hanging his head low clutching the box. It was Berwald. Berwald was the one who caught them. Hopefully he didn't get his memories back or realized what the box was. The Icelandic kept quiet in hopes of just a small stare down then his departure. "Wh' d' y'' h'v' y''r br'th'r's 'ld 'ng'g'm'nt r'ng?"

Well, it seemed as if Berwald not only had his memories but also recognized the box. "I, found it."

The Swede stared waiting for a more in depth explanation to which Emil slowly began to cave to share. Should he? No, he really should be calling Arthur. He probably should as soon as he left the room. "Matthias got his memories back and went searching for this. Last night, I found it outside."

"N'rw'y d''sn't r'm'b'r?"

"Used to." Sighed Emil. He might as well explain it if he was just going to call the magic trio anyways. "Arthur and Vladimir came to erase them."

Lukas sighed waiting for the water to hurry up and boil when he started to hear the tumbling. He didn't even want to ask what happened the previous night when Matthias fell onto a chair. With deciding to wait off on the questioning he grabbed the confiscated Advil that Tino thought he hide so well from him in the cabinet and got two of them along with some water. "How late?"

"Till six." Matthias mumbled before chugging down the glass.

"Matthias." He sighed "Why would you do that?"

"Because I felt liked it."

"Stop being so childish."

The Dane stared and shooked his head "You really don't get people Lukas. That's probably your only issue." Slowly Matthias stood and stumbled out of the room. Sure, the Norwegian understood that he most likely got drunk due to their previous encounter but what did he think Lukas would do? Kiss the fool back even though Emil likes him? Fat chance.

Lukas just wanted to go 'See Matthias! I understand my little brother and you so I understand the only people I need to.' But he couldn't because he didn't want to start another fight. Already Lukas knew something was going to happen. Call it intuition...

Violet blue eyes focused on the door when he heard the knock. When he opened it he was facing Hong Kong. "Yo."

"Hallo." muttered Lukas slightly confused as to why the Asian was currently on their doorstep. When ever Emil invited him over he always told everyone so they would be on their best behavior but Emil never said a word. Lukas moved to let the nation in "Emil!"

He could hear the ashen blond groan and make his way down the staircase. "Ja?" Emil turned into the kitchen as confused as his big brother once he notice the guest. "Leon? What's up?"

"Nothing much. Finland never told you guys that he invited me did he?" the brunette shrugged "Oh well, guess it was a surprise."

Emil paled "Finland." he let that sit in. "Tino! I'm going to kill you!"

Hong Kong gave a questioning look and Norway thought it best he take his leave. Already Tino was upset with a fight that happened because of him. Last he needed was for the Finn to get even madder. Which was probably the safest thing for him to do because seconds later from when he left Tino was present, smiling.

Hong Kong saw nothing bad from the smile, but it wasn't as if he really knew him. Iceland, now he saw the evil present. Never again would he tell him any secret after this stunt. "Hallo Hong Kong! It's good to know you were able to visit even though something prolonged it!"

Both Scandinavians watched as the guest agreed somewhat. Leon assumed his sister let it slip to Finland how he felt. After all, they really only did minor trading with each other. Why else would he call asking for him to come over and not tell what seemed like no one. Leon decided not to dwell on it and instead eyed Emil.

Although he wasn't currently playing with his hair, he knew the islander's locks were soft. All he wanted to fool around, maybe put barrettes in his hair to make him flustered and annoyed, with Emil but he doubted that would happen as long as the other Nordics and micronations were awake. That was when he decided he was going to prolong his visit. Not by long since the Nordics haven't had a break lately but long enough to have more private time with the Icelandic.

Violet eyes narrowed full of worry "Leon? Are you okay?"

Slowly he nodded and easily used the excuse of not knowing the language they were speaking in. Luckily they bought it. As long as he didn't let it slip he knew Icelandic he would probably be okay. After all there was still the chance of a Finnish conversation. A language he had no sweet clue of.

Leon hoped no one figured out where his priorities were at with languages. Technically he should be practicing his French or German or something but nope. Those were the wrong blonds.

The evening was practically uneventful for the eight. Tino and Berwald were being couplely, which they were trying to hide from everyone since they decided for a break after centuries to help with their own nations. It was needed for economy and it wasn't as if they didn't act that uncouplely after. Now, they were almost like the past. It seemed to be catching up on them all when they thought of their history.

Hong Kong got a call about an outbreak going through his family. A several hour thing, so Emil was happy to share his room. Thomas and Peter were softly giggling about how they'd make babies resulting into the talk. A very mild one, but enough to horrify them nonetheless.

Speaking of those two, they had playdates in the coming weeks with other micronations such as Wy and Krugelmungel. Always exciting for them.

Tomorrow, around noon, Lukas would have to leave for a meeting. Nothing too heavy, but it would take a week. Most of the nervousness came from the weather to be coming. Lightning.

And Matthias? He was still being moody. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better day for the Dane till it all came thundering down towards his own personal hell.

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