Chapter 34

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"Lukas. Please be calm."

"How can I be calm when I find out two of my closest friends took my memories!"

"In our defence, you told us to." mumbled Romania crossing his arms over his bat pajamas before he froze. "I have Moldova home. Alone!"

Lukas glared and snapped his fingers making the sleeping child appear on the couch. He would have to watch the amount of energy he was using. Teleporting four people was no easy task. "There. Now answer me or I swear I will invade your nations mercilessly."

They really were screwed.

"Fine." sighed England who was already tired "We took your memories as you asked because you wanted the Nordics, including yourself to forget you and Denmark were a thing."

"A what?"

"Dating, Engaged. All of that." Smiled Vladimir with an unknown glint in his eyes.

"There is absolutely no way we were engaged! I remember everything! Now explain why your making this all up and what it really means."

"It's the truth."

"Obviously not since I kissed him and I don't remember. Stuff like that triggers memory spells."

They gave up in attempting to convince him. Instead they simply removed those spells and immediately laced a sleep charm on him. That way they could plan for his reaction. Hopefully it wasn't as disastrous as they were planning for. It would be much simpler to just have him awake upset but understanding of the situation.


"How many times have I told you never to call me that?" sighed the Brit. They both decided to some what help clean the mess as the two other nations slept. "What is it."

"The contract we three signed. We were supposed to return his memories a long time ago."

It was silent besides Moldova's snoring. For such a little thing, he could make enough noise to put a brown bear to shame. They reread their promises and gulped. Lukas would be pissed. "How can we not get him to kill us?"

"Denmark." they muttered in unison. Whenever they were worried about Lukas coming to kill them with or with out his memories. As soon as they dragged Denmark into whatever mess that made the Norwegian mad, he calmed down.

Vlad was the one to dial waiting for it to answer. Just before he was about to hang up someone answered. "Hallo?"

"Denmark? Perfect! Could you meet us? It's about-"

"If it's about the memories screw off Romania. I need to remember everything I can about Lukas."

The line then went dead. What was that supposed to mean? Maybe they had a fight but he was fairly certain Lukas said they kissed. Plus he was nearly a hundred present sure that this wasn't one of Lukas's homes so probably the Dane's. Especially since there were Danish flags all over. "Somethings wrong with him."

Arthur sighed "Then we call Emil." The Brit selected the contact but it didn't even ring. What were they going to do? Lucky him he remembered Leon asking him to help fake a call from China so he could visit longer.

When Leon answered Arthur could only hear heavy sobbing along with some word in another language. "Leon? What's going on?"

"Yo Arthur. I can't really talk. Bye." With that, the line went dead.

Arthur wanted to help Lukas and his family with the memories he really did, but something was going on with Leon and his own family came before the others. Instead of calling again he texted. Leon what's going on? Who's crying?

It took some time to get a reply but he got one. One he wasn't expecting.

A nation is dead. Emil is taking it hard.

What? Who?

But he didn't get another reply. Glad to know Leon was okay he understood needing to soothe Iceland. After all it wasn't as if Lukas were there to do it instead. No, the Norwegian was still fast asleep like a Germanic fairy tale on the couch. If a nation was dead though, the whole world will feel the repercussions. They could have to work on their economies now. But, if all nations worked on it and Lukas was left in a depression far worse than the thirties because of the charm...

Though Lukas was one of his closest friends, he couldn't risk hurting his people and himself. Norway was strong, he could get through it. Eventually.

"Well, what's going on?"

"A nation died. I'm assuming Estonia."

"Baltic? Why? Other countries are far worse off than him."

"Nordics are pretty shaken, it makes sense that they would be upset over him."

It was silent as they stayed in their own thoughts. With Estonia's death a depression would be sure to come especially to Europe. Then the question if the country would die completely or if a civilian would become a personification. Either way the country would have issues and may die. This was all that was needed. The personifications assumed there would be an emergency meeting by noon tomorrow leaving them till then to completely fill in Lukas, get his reaction under control and maybe get him to the shared Nordic home.

Romania froze counting the numbers on his fingers before moving the blind to see if he could find Lukas's car. Nothing. "Hey, Iggy?"

"Don't call me that." muttered the Brit with a small glare. Normally the male would avoid the gaze of poison, which Norway and he agreed wasn't nearly as bad as his cooking, however Arthur's face fell when he noticed Vladimir's serious face. "Lukas teleported himself, then us, at the same time, then Aurel. On top of cleaning."


"We put a sleep charm on him."

The facts were simple. They used sleep charms all the time after all. The trio knew that the less energy a person had the longer they would rest. That was typical for any living body as is, however, doing it to someone who not only exhausted them self physically, for example from cleaning your fiancé's house, mentally, such as finding out your actually engaged to the person you've been a complete tsundere to then magically by teleporting way to many above the once per four days.

They would be lucky if he woke up in a month. And in that time if he didn't wake up, his economy would be non-existent. For it to recover, it would take decades. Add in the death of an ally nation of whom he trades with.

The Kingdom of Norway was officially screwed.

After all, if it dropped as much as the two thirds from the magic trio believed it would, he was at serious risk at dissolving himself...

Just like what the Nordics believed already happened...

Only much slower and much more tortuous than his flesh being singed apart before the corpse pulled thousands of feet to the Earth by gravity.

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