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Leo is a brave and courageous but young pirate. It was only 5 months since he became a captain of his father's ship which was now under him due to the unfortunate passing away of his father.

He did and did not want to continue his fathers path. He was excited and always admired his fathers experience in the sea since he was young but as he grew up, he began to fear it.

Not because of the dangers, no, he was a fragile child, he would often gets sick. He was supposed to be born as a girl as many say around him but the Y chromosome crossed the finish line first.

He had the lady like voice, facial features as well as the gestures of his mother and his brave, competitive and  courageous personality from his father.

He would take poor care of himself as he tends to worry more about the others. He can't help it. Even if he's about to lose a part of his body he would still worry about the others first. This was something that was not much favored by many.

There were many a times when he became careless and almost got himself killed, thankfully there existed a crew who would save him. Some of them were converted into worrywarts and some of them were converted into triumphant jerks because of Leo.


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