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..They secretly got on aboard and saw unknown men, all running towards Jaehwan. They hopped in and started their attacks.  


Hyuk was too late. He was searching Taekwoon around the area and he heard a familiar muffled scream. He turned to a road with scarce of people and saw his captain being knocked out by a man who he thought he saw. He had shoved him in a carriage and the man on the front whipped the horses to move away. Hyuk was running after them but the horses were faster.

Realising that chasing is futile, Hyuk ran to the ship. He was greeted with bloody men lying dead and his injured crew members. "What the hell happened!?" Hyuk screamed.


After tending to the members' injuries, Hyuk told them about Taekwoon.

"Do you know who it was?" Hakyeon asks. Hyuk thinks for a while until something struck him. He gasped and it only made the others anxious.

"Choi Siwon!"

"WHAT!?" All of them except Hyuk exclaims.

"I don't know. I saw him being shoved into a carriage and before I could do anything, the horses started running." Hyuk confesses.

"I think I've got it now." Wonshik speaks.

"Got what?" Hongbin asks.

"Remember that time when Siwon tried to take Taekwoon's eye?"

"God, don't talk about that." Jaehwan says.

"But I think it's related." Wonshik says.

"Why else would Siwon would be after captain. Captain may have harmed his men but he hadn't killed anyone. And if Captain doesn't want to ally with Siwon, that bastard would obviously take captain's eye by force!" Hakyeon said.


Taekwoon, before the beginning of his piracy, was offered by Siwon that they would take him under refuge if he agreed on serving them. Siwon was a rich noble. The same asshole of a noble who ordered his men to kill Taekwoon's father so that Taekwoob had no where to go.Choi Siwon was the only acquaintance of Taekwoon's father. And that made him think that Taekwoon would come to him and beg for helping his family.

However he was proven wrong. Taekwoon too had taken advantages if his status. A noble under the navy. Taekwoon's father may have been a pirate but he only robbed from nobles and kept guard on the important ports. The navy allowed him to go on with his piracy since it wouldn't cause harm in a dangerous level.

Taekwoon worked under the navy. He was assigned captain soon after his fathers death and that was plenty for him to support himself as well as his own family. He would put luxury to a minimum and would use majority of it on his next career that he kept secret from others except for his crew mates.

Unfortunately, Siwon had come to know about Taekwoon's secret and threatened Taekwoon that he would inform to the navy. Taekwoon never liked Siwon. He may be the son of a noble and Taekwoon could care less. But when Siwon brought up Taekwoon's family, Taekwoon wanted to crush his skull.

Siwon had heard about Taekwoon's right eye and even experienced it. It was when Taekwoon was still young and he was brought at a gathering so that his father could introduce him to some good friends in the navy. Siwon was attracted to the boy and was curious about why the boy wore an eyepatch.

He talked with his father so that he could get his hand on Taekwoon and as if Taekwoon read his mind, he whispered something to his father and they excused themselves. After that night, Taekwoon's father would come alone to gatherings.

That didn't stop Siwon. He was welcomed to their house, thanks to his own father. On that night, Siwon pinned Taekwoon in an empty room and tore open his eye patch. Siwon was actually surprised that there were no marks or anything on the younger's eye and it made him more curious. He forced Taekwoon to open his eye by punching him on the stomach and Taekwoon opened his eyes in shock before he folded his body in pain. Siwon was awestruck. Taekwoon's right pupil was a glowing yellow and the iris was a pretty pink. It was beautiful. So beautiful to the point Siwon wanted to hit Taekwoon for keeping it hidden the whole time.

"Your eyes. Their beautiful." Siwon say without thinking twice. Taekwoon was in pure distress. He kept it hidden. He tried his best not to open but he failed himself. Some thought it was a curse and some thought it was a blessing. To Taekwoon, it was earth. Implying the mid between hell and heaven.

"What's wrong with your eye?" Siwon asks with a worried voice that it sends chills through Taekwoon's spine. He didn't want to answer but had no other choice when Siwon gripped him by the jaw.

"I-I was born with it." Taekwoon says truthfully.

"Do you see things normally with the right one?" Even if it was stupid, Siwon wanted to know of held anything special.


"Then what do you see?" Siwon leans dangerously close to Taekwoon's face making the younger freeze.

"Taekwoon!" They hear Taekwoon's father call him from the closed door and Taekwoon lets out his breath he didn't know he was holding. He was about to run out to father but Siwon didn't let go of his arms. He grabbed him by his wrist and pinned them above his head and whispered into Taekwoon's ears:

"You better answer quickly otherwise you'll be harmed here." Siwon warns. Taekwoon visibly gulps and mumbles.


Siwon smiles and let's go of Taekwoon's wrist who runs out of the room with immense betrayal to himself.


I am sorry for making Siwon a bad person here. I really like him, he is really funny and handsome. Anyways,this story will have a few more short chapters and then it will be over. Thank you all for sticking with this trash of a book. Thank you for reading and please comment!

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