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  He won't give up though. He knows he will kill this man before he leaves this house. 


After getting information, the VIXX crew goes out for blood. They will get their captain in one piece.

They grabbed their weapons and asked BAP, who came back after two days, to keep an eye on their ship. The BAP's offered to help VIXX but they politely disagrees saying that it's their own captain they are going to rescue.

They launched at night, seeming it as the best time when citizens and officials are not loitering around.But still the mansion was guarded with what they called "Nothing but buff" since Jaehwan had been able to knock one of them out just by a few kicks and punches. They sneakily went inside by the kitchen door which was empty but there were stairs leading up to the hallway. Now the problem is: Which room?

There were annoyingly too many doors and it just infuriated everyone. With rush along with loud slamming of doors, they attracted guards to the hallway and eventually had to fight them.

It was easy to finish them all since those were no to trained. They criticised Siwon's picking of guards and joked around.

That was until they heard a scream of a familiar voice. Captain

Wonshik opened it alone whereas the other stuck near the wall, ready to kill. The crews eyes contained hellfire when he saw the scene in front of him.

His captain was tied up, bruises and wounds scattered around his body and he was crying. Their captain was crying. The covered eye was now without an eyepatch and Wonshik snapped when his captain opened his teary eyes to look towards the doors and let out a loud gasp. Siwon was oblivious to everything.

Until Wonshik's right hand grabbed at his neck and threw him towards a wall. He walked towards the fallen man and kicked him numerous time until he felt a body, a naked body against his back, hugging him.

"Enough, Wonshik. Enough." Taekwoon stopped him with his raspy voice. He was extremely happy. Very happy to see his crew come to rescue him. All of the crews anger washed out in an instance and Wonshik turned around to hug his captain. Soon the whole crew did a group hug.

The whole of VIXX walked back to their ship with the most cool scene. They walked cooly with a burning mansion at their backs.



Finally this stupid story is over. Majority of the book was smut which too was horrible. I couldn't even elongate the last few chapters, shame on me. I'm sorry for everything. I sincerely thank all those who kept up with this story, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THOSE WHO READ THIS AND COMMENTED!! Love you all. Thank you for reading 'Pirate.'

-Your Father,

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