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I coughed as I look out the window.

I sigh.

Will I ever get better?

I keep seeing the same view all over again. It's tiring and boring.

Life is like a berry, once your dreams got stepped on, it's already crushed.

And my dream was crushed because of this sickness I have.

"Hey, Chenle." My doctor came in.

"Hello, Doc." I said, coldly as he frowned.

"Your nurse got fired for doing something horrible." He sighed then I felt mad.

"So, am I going to die?" I asked then his eyes widened.

"N-no! I asked my daughter to take care of you. She'll be here later after school.

For now, do whatever you want and don't walk around too much." He ruffled my hair.

"Okay, doc." I said then he nodded and left.

I sighed and fall back.

"I don't want to die just yet.." I said as tears start falling from my eyes.

I feel so vulnerable and sensitive when it comes to dying.

I'm just..

Too scared to die.


I entered the room and start hearing sobbing.

I walked towards the boy and he was crying in his sleep.

"I.. don't want... to die.." He keeps on saying, repeatedly.

I immediately felt bad.

How long have he been keeping this to himself?

How long has he been here?

He might be here longer than me.

Here longer in my dad's hospital than I thought..

I wipe his tears away, careful to not wake him up.

"Life is bad, sometimes. It's the foot that stepped on your dreams." I muttered.

I caress his hair gently to calm his sobbing a little.

He looks so young to be sick.

So young to die.

"I can't let you die. I'll make sure of that."


"He's dead. I'm sorry, Ms.Zhong."



I woke up, sweating from that nightmare.

I grip on my hair as the ticks of the clocks are the only that can be heard.



I looked at my side and saw a girl there.

She was sleeping and seems to be still in her uniform.

I look at the clock and it's already 1 am.

My eyes widened when this girl is supposed to be sleeping at her home.

"Um, M-Miss?" I start shaking her shoulder a little.

She groaned and rub her eyes before making eye contact with me.

"Oh, you're awake?" She immediately stood up.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asked then I slowly nodded.

She smiled and gave me a lunch box.

"I just made this for you before I fell asleep like an hour ago." She said, surprising me.

I opened the lunch box and my eyes immediately made contact with hers.

"This is.. for me?" I asked, pointing at myself.

"Yup." She showed me a smile.

A smile I haven't seen on others before.

It makes me feel like..



Sick, ᶻʰᵒⁿᵍ ᶜʰᵉⁿˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now