Chapter 10/ The Chunnin exams Part 1

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Chapter 10: The chunin Exams: Round 1

Finally, the day came for the chunin exams.

"Hey, Hinata!" Naruto shouted, coming to the gate o the academy. The poor girl began to turn red, like normal when Naruto expectantly appeared. "Are you here for the exams too?"

"Y-yes, I-I am" Hinata managed to get out.

"Naruto!" Sakura called out for him, across the academy courtyard.

"Oh, sorry Hinata, but it looks like my team is here" Naruto said.

"I-it's okay, I-I think I s-see my t-team coming as well" the shy girl said, trying to hide herself from her crush.

"Good luck. I know you will do great" Naruto said as he ran off to join the rest of his team.

"He thinks I will do great?" Hinata thought to herself. "If Naruto thinks I can do it, then I will surely try my best".The truth is that Sakura wasn't the only one doubting her entrance into the exam. Hinata was also questioning why she was there, coming to the conclusion that her team really wanted to take the exam and they needed a third member. Because of that, she decided to join so that they could participate, but if Naruto thought she could do it, then she would do her best.

Team 7 arrived to a mass of people standing in front of a door with the room number 301 above it. Two ninja were guarding the door, preventing anyone from getting through. They then looked at Lee, the kid in the green spandex suit, trying to force his way through, only to get shoved back by the guards. After his teammates picked him up, Lee turned and looked at the four rookies that were staring at him.

"Why don't you just release the genjutsu and let us all pass" Sasuke said to the guards at the door. The two were actually impressed that a genin, not to mention a rookie, would figure out their little trick. As Team 7 proceeded to the proper floor, Lee quickly followed.

"You are Sasuke Uchiha, am I correct?" Lee said to Sasuke.

"I am what of it?" Sasuke responded.

"I wish to challenge you. I wish to test my skills against the offspring of the powerful Uchiha" Lee said. He then winked at Sakura. "You are an angel; I wish to take you out on a date."

"Eew, never!" Sakura said as she bent backwards to avoid Lee's kiss that he had blown towards her, hitting her head against the ground in the process.

"Frankly, you're a fool, thinking you can challenge me" Sasuke replied to Lee's challenge. "You're about to learn what this name means, thick brows."

"Finally, I will get to test my skills against the #1 rookie and Gai-sensei will be proud of me" Lee thought to himself. Naruto charged at Lee, thinking that he will take down this guy and show Sasuke his true skills. Lee easily sidestepped Naruto's attack and retaliated with a kick of his own, sending Naruto into the opposing wall. "I will say this again, you cannot defeat me."

Inside Naruto, the Fox was laughing at him for what had just happened.

"Hmph, this might actually be fun" Sasuke said, realizing that Lee was actually strong. With that, Sasuke attacked Lee. Lee quickly dodged and kicked back at Sasuke. He could not evade the attack and had to resort to blocking the attack. As Lee made a quick hand sign, Sasuke braced himself for some sort of ninjutsu, only to be hit in the stomach by a second kick. 'What sort of ninjutsu or genjutsu was that?' Sasuke thought.

"That's…" Lee said, looking into Sasuke's eyes. "The Sharingan."

Sasuke charged at Lee, thinking that he would use his eyes to reveal what type of ninjutsu or genjutsu Lee was using.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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