Chapter 3

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I look up to see Treeny Truman. The extravert. I shrink under her peircing green/yellow eyes. Well, I shrink under most.

She stops her scratchy laugh, and elbows her friend. She points towards Seàn, and smirks like a diranged lunatic.

Her friend happily skips towards the leprechaun as Treeny stays, towaring over me. I pull my warm water bottle to my chest and hug it close.

She stares at Seàn a little longer before noticing how confused I am. She pivots on her heel and crosses her arms.

"Oh, right, you." She drags the syllable, making it sound like a noise of disgust.

I sigh. Here we go again.

"See that cutie up there?" She asks me. I nod.

"You mean Seàn?" I ask quietly to double check that we're talking about the same cutie.

"Yeah. Jack. He's famous, and single~" She hisses into my face. I pull my oversized sleeve out abit and use it to wipe the spit off my cheek.

"Single?" I thought he had a girlfriend.

"You seriously need to speak up. And yes single!" She barks at me. Again.

Wait a minute. I need to recall everything about Treeny Truman. So she is:

• An extravert (my opposite)
• A bully
• A hoe
• Fangirl trash
• Gold digger
• A pain in my ass

Well, let's just say that when we were little, we were close. She was one of those 'friends'. She was always the super animated one, and I was always the quiet, background one. We balanced eachother out. But as we grew older; when I was teased for being myself, she threw in the towel and joined in on the mockery. To save herself.

I've never told her how much I've hated her for that. I barely ever share my opinions.

But, now, it's a weird relationship. Like cat and mouse. She's the cat, I'm the mouse. She'll beat me, bash me. But by the end of the day, I'll limp away and hide, in my home, that's just a hole in the wall.

But back to now.

"-listen you idiot!" She snaps her fingers in my face.

"I-I was listening!" I shoot my hands up infront of my face for self defence.

"Good. As I was saying, I'm going to go get that small bean." She clasps her hands infront of her. Smacking them close to my face to make me scream slightly. "Like all my smutty smut smuts~"

"Slutty slut slut" I mummer quietly into the collar of my (hood/jumper).

"I am an amazing fic writer" She gushes over her sick fantasies. I lower my head, so she can't see me roll my eyes.

She actually sucks. Swallows. Chokes and dies.

"Toodles ya vampire" She spirit fingers my nose. I sneeze lightly and scrunch my nose in digust.

She chuckles and skips away. Showing me a rude finger like it were a first place prize. I can't help that my k9 teeth are slightly sharper than everyone else's.

I try to take another sip of my drink but decide against it.
I get a notification from wattpad and check it. Someone wrote/posted on my conversation board. It read:

'Don't let the past get you down. When something new and exciting comes to life, take that chance. Be something else, maybe you'll find yourself'

This was common. Every now and then I'd get an inspiration quote. This was my main driving force in life.

I look up from my phone and gaze at the sky. It was cloudy today. Just how I liked it. I open my camera and snap a pic of said clouds. Making it my new wallpaper for today.

I look over at the small crowd that hasn't weakened. It was only girls. The fangirls, I know all of them. Well, (username) knows all of them. They're the beggers of the Wattpad.

'Please write a Jack x reader'
'Update Pleeeeease XI'
'Where is my lemon!'
'D A D D Y ! ! ! !'

I don't mind some silly comments. But being spammed by a bunch of hormonal teens gets annoying.

I notice Treeny, hugging Seàn. A pang of...something inside me. Like the wind was knocked outta me.

I re-read the post. It was if something was calling me. I suddenly remember, in a book I wrote, how the girl saves the guy from the evil lady. Just a vage description but I feel it call to me.

I stand and hear my cue.

"La-ladies, please carm down. Hey, stop it!" Came an Irish voice of distress.

My head snaps in his direction. I pull my hood up, tug the strings tight and pull my bag on as my feet move to the beats of a new drum. They start as a fast walk. Going to a jog, run and before I knew it I was sprinting.

Everything seems to move in slow motion.

I charge at the group. Squeeze through a gap. Grasp Treenys ponytail and violently yank her from Seàn's chest. I grab his wrist and continue bolting. He runs with me. But I'm lazy af and he overtakes me, becoming the dragger.

We run a few blocks before we're sure that we weren't followed or that we atleast shook them off.

We stop in the opening of an alleyway, panting. He leans against a wall as I hold his shoulder for support. I pull my hood down and pull my hair out from the back.

" wor...k out" He laughs. "Thanks..for" All I can do is nod.

I just yanked the skank. Ran of with an adorable Irish man. Ran as in excercise. And it's still early in the morning. That was an all time first.

I regain my breath and feel my pulse. I sigh in relief to the fact that I still have one. Seàn seems to be more tired than I am, so I pull out my waterbottle and lean against the wall beside him. Then sliding down and crossing my legs in a sitting position. He follows suite.

I open my water bottle and sip it. Oh wait there's (drink) in there. It's nice and warm now. I take another sip and love it.

I hold it out to him. And shake it infront of his face.

"Hm?" He asks as he reaches for it. I pass him the bottle and crack open my cookie bag. I pull one out and put it in his other hand.

"Some of those too?" He asks.
I nod. Then pull out a cookie for my self. Stick it in my mouth and put the brown paper bag away.

"I'm Seàn" he holds out his hand. "But people call me Jack".

I stare at his hand, before slowly slipping mine into his.
I nod and shake his hand. He raises an eyebrow and looks me up and down.

"You talk?" He asks. I nod and realise that I should tell him my name.

"I'm (???)" I mumble through my cookie. I pull my hand from his and take my cookie out of my mouth. "(Y/n). And your...."

He furrows his eyebrows as I go quiet again. I take a bite from my cookie and suddenly find the alleyway walls very interesting.

"I'm what?" He asks. I decide to have some fun.

"Jackspedsiceye?" I ask as I look back up at him. He laughs a little, shaking his head.

"It's septic actually" he laughs out. Oh that glorious laugh is contagious. I find myself chuckling along quietly aswell.

I take my bottle from Seàn, put it in my bag, stand up and brush myself off. I pull my bag up off the floor and turn to leave. But a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Where do you think your going?" Seàn asked. He turned me around to look at him, that's when I realised that he's taller than me. I gulp, human contact! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

"H-home?" I ask. Well, mumbled. My voice is really soft and quiet, I'm surprised it's even recognised as one.

"Nope. Your coming with me-"

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