Chapter 46

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"Aww what the heck?" You hold your head in your hand as you squint up at the roof.

"Huh?" You feel your phone vibrate as lots of notifications pop up, you open it up and there are a tone of wattpad notifications.

"Oh shoot!" You start sifting through them all.


"AAH!" You scream and toss your phone up in the air, it falls down and hits your knee and you sigh.

"Stupid voices."

'Hey hey hey! I'm really smart and I saved your ass!'

"What the fu- who's there!?" You grip your head and look on the mirror.

'I'm the ghost of Christmas past~'

Confused facial expression.

'Not really you fuc- you know what? I'll be straight with you. My names (D/n) and I'm your inner demon.'

You sit up straight and cross your legs. Might aswell listen.

'I'm what happened when all your anxiety built up. I talked with Dark and Anti and we agreed that we'd see how the boys react without yous.'

"What did you do?"

'I may have visited Satan and got him to erase all the planets mind from the last week'


'You'll thank me later.'

"What now!?" You groan and lay back on the floor.

'So you can either A) Talk to markimallow and arrange to meet. Or B) go back to your job of being an author.'

"Wait, so I remember and no one else does?"

'Yeah, pretty much, except me, Dark and Anti know aswell. Now I want you to take relationships slow. You go on a couple of dates before you become a couple. And you do not tell all of wattpad who you are because it will freak me out!'

"Okay, sure, I won't tell. But I'm allowed to go to pax right?"

'Yeah. It's on in like 4 days or something.'

"And until then, I'm going to make an outfit to wear, tell all my watties that I'm going and tell them to keep an eye out for me and-"

'Woah cowgirl! What about Mark?'

"Why are you so interested in Mark?"

'He just seems like the best fit for you.'

"Hmmmm. Okay. Well, I'll go to his signing and tell him its me."

'Remember, He doesn't know that you know that he's Markiplier.'

"That just makes this even better."

'He'll think you're a stalker or something.'

"Not if I tell him that one thing that he's only told me and no one else."

'Which is?~'


'Oh yeah, that.'

"Yep. Now where am I?"

'Just a house.'

"That's oddly suspicious."

'And it's got aaaallll your stuff in it. That's why you were out for 2 other days.'

"Wait so what's the catch?"

'I didn't want to go far sooooo it's across the road from Mark's place :)'

"What!?" You run to the window and sling the curtains open.

"Holy shizz." His house is across the road.


"*sigh*, but he thinks I live in (country)."

'Tell him you moved, then tell him you're going to pax and then tell him your wearing-'

"I catch your drift. Okay."

Y-you M-Markimallow (Mark)

Y- Hey Marki

M- Hey (n/n)

Y- Can I tell you something amaaaaazing?

M- I do love me some amazo thingos



Y- Yep, all the way to LA.

M- This is amazing!

Y- Yep. And I'm going to Pax

M- Me too!

Y- Wow, that's so cool. Maybe we could finally meet up.

M- It's all my dreams and more

Y- Dawww. Well what'll you be wearing? So that I can spot you?

M- Hmmmm, I'll be wearing my lucky red flannel.

Y- Oooooh so recognisable!

M- Shush shush shush. What will you be wearing?

Y-(Noticable- colour/bracelet/peice of cosplay/ something he could see and just be like 'OH MY GOSH IT'S'-)

M-Sweet, I'll be keeping an eye out.

Y- I'm going alone, what about you?

M- Actually, my friend Jack is here and we're going together.

Y- (I know all) Heh, it's almost like Mark and Jack the youtubers.

M- Yeah, about that.....

Y- Yes Markimallow?

M- Nevermind :) I'll show you when we meet. I'm so excited XD

Y- Me too X)

M- Gtg. Buh-bye 🖐

Y- (Good bye)


Hi. I'm hungry.

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