Chapter 34

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"What was that about?" You ask Jack.

"Uh, remember how I said that I was going to Pax" Jack said nervously.

"Yes" The disappointment was a little evident. You didn't want Jack to leave. That's a little selfish but you could have at least been able to go with.

"Mark bought us tickets to go early. So you can come with if you want-"

"Yay!" You spring up and give him a hug.

"When?" You ask, letting go of him.

"We can leave tonight, so that we can be there the next morning" That sounded good. You don't really know times and such that well but you guess that's sorta how it works.

"I guess we'll have to pack" You say. You start getting up but Jack grabs your arm.

"I need to pre-recorded some videos, so...I was wondering if you'd like to play some video games with me?"

"Yeah, which ones?" You pull your arm from him and stand.

"I don't know. A rage one?" Jack wants a rage game? Let's give him a rage game.

"Heh, Cuphead?" You reach down, pick up your jeans and fold them.

"Noooo" Jack groans. He reaches up and pulls his hair.

"I'll set it up then" You go down stairs to get your bag. After sliding on a some shorts, you walk around, looking for his gaming/recording room.

"Ah, here it is" You head over to the console.

~~Time skip~~

"Jack~ Come face your doom~" You call down the hall.

"One sec babe, you know I need my coffee"

"I set it up so that your Cuphead and I'm Mugman" You fiddle with the controllers and set up two chairs.

"Tri-pod, tri-pod, tri-pod...hmmm?" You grab the tri-pod with its camera and check the battery.

You feel one arm curl around your waist and the scent of coffee fill the air.

"I should be asking you that" You smirk and turn around. A mug with (coffee/other hot drink) is placed into your hands.

You take a light sip to check the temperature. It's nice and warm so you keep sipping.

You sit down in a chair and Jack places his mug on the desk by the screen. He grabs your chair and pulls it closer. After he takes his seat he grabs his controller and turns the camera on.

"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND today I am joined by (Y/n) in a game we have to play this?"

"Today we're playing Cuphead 'don't deal with the devil'. Jack asked me to play a rage game with him and this popped into my head. So, without further a do, Cuphead Jack and Mugman (Y/n) take the stage"

~~Time skip~~

"Woah, this game is beautiful"

~~Time skip~~

"Ah fizzy shizz HELP!" SCREW THIS GAME!

"I gottcha!" Jack swoops in an starts shooting the cigarette bats.

"Thank you!" You start shooting Mr.Wheezy.

Mr.Weezy is defeated.

"Yeah!" You shout and stand. You drop your remote and twirl around with your arms up victoriously.

"Great job! We did it!" Jack grabs you and pulls you down onto his lap. He cuddles you as you drop your head, going ragdoll.

Jack looks up and realises you stopped moving and were playing dead again.

"Oh god, she out bossed herself!" He tells the camera.

He sits you back in your own chair and plops down into his own.

"I'm going to leave this video here, but thank-"

(Ya'll know how it goes)

"-high fives all round!" You perk up and high five him.

"Wapish! wapish!" He starts shouting again and you act stunned. Then you 'faint' and shlump back into you seat.

Yes, shlump. You shlumped!

Jack finishes and asks the camera if 'anyone knows how to fix a girlfriend'.

~~Time skip~~

You recorded a few more videos and pack your (already-packed) bags.

"You already asked that Jack!" You pull your suitcase with you out the door.

"Just checking babe!" Jack walks up to the taxi. The driver there pops the trunk and you two put your stuff in.

The guy drives you both to the airport. You update a few books on the way.

You decide to animate that video on the plane so you make sure that you laptops in your backpack, so that you can bring it into the seating area.

~~ you should know how getting on a plane works and I feel extra lazy today~~

'And...done!' Animating is easy when your as skillfully bossed out as (y/c/n), (w/u/n) aka (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n).

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