Chapter 28

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"(Y/n). (Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

I snap out of it to see Jack right infront of my face. I'm laying on the couch as Jack kneels beside me.

"J-Jack?" I bring my hands up to my face. My cheeks are cold to the touch, it feels like death.


"Are you okay? Please, say something! Anything?"
He places his hands over mine, now both our hands cup my face.

"What ha-happened?" I whisper.

'I don't think I'll be the same again. Wait, the same....I wasn't me. I was someone else, someone Jack created. It was fun, but it's dangerous'

"Oh thank god" Jack shows relief in the form of a shallow breath.

Jack Pov~~

"Wait, did you just ask 'what happened'?"

(Y/n) lightly nods her head. She stares of into space and I barely know what she could be thinking of, but what happened.


"-death~" Treeny says. She twirls her open knife in her hand.

'This is some crazy shite! How does this even happen in real life? And why to (Y/n)!?'

I finally proceses that Treeny means to kill my girlfriend.
There is no way in heck that I am letting that happen.

"Actually, Miss Bush-" I say as I push (Y/n) further behind me.

"TREE!" Treeny screams at me.

"Yes. Nature. Whatever. I'd like to make a point to you" I hear a drop on the floor behind me. I turn to see (Y/n) past out on the floor.

'Oh no!' I fall beside her. And pick her up by her head and back. I cradle her to make sure she's okay.

"I've got a point for her-Ah!" My vision is blurred by my head snapping back to Treeny.

My instincts and reflexes kick in. I'm blinded by the need to protect this girl. This one special girl.

As the knife heads for my love, my arm reaches up and stops it. I did this by grabbing Treeny around her wrist, the blade, inches from me.

I throw her away. I slowly lower (Y/n)'s head and rest it against her arms.

I stand and aproach Treeny. I feel like I'm in a blind rage.

'How dare she!? She can't do this to my dearest! She needs to leave! Now!'

"Get out" I growl. Treeny actually looks afraid.

I know that she's a fan and all, but that can't really change my actions. She brought this apon herself.

"I'll leave, but that won't stop me from coming back here, back to win the next round" She stands and dusts herself off. As she walks away, she glares at my sleeping beauty.

I walk behind her and slam the door on her.

'How can someone go from:
Beating someone to apologising to them, then admit to beating them for no reason, then threaten to kill them, then try to kill them, then leave like that?'

I lock the door and sigh. I feel really bad because (Y/n) got hurt. She doesn't deserve pain.

'But what's going to happen when Treeny comes back? And I'm not here to protect (Y/n)?'

Let me in (Jacksepticeye x Introvert!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang