Chapter 26

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She stands and leans against the wall. She stagers into a stable position and points an accusing finger at me.

"You didn't help me!"

'How dare this bi-'

"What didn't she help you with?" Jack asks as he holds me back.

"That day, after her cat died, I asked the popular kids to leave her alone. To let her collect herself. But when they turned on me for defending her, she did nothing!"

I had enough. She can't talk about me or my cat that way.

"I betrayed you!? Your the one who started all this!"

"How did I start thi-"

"You wanted me to be more like you! If you had of left me, I wouldn't have been noticed and I would be fine! But NO big bad Treeny had to trick me into getting what she wants!"

She lowers her head. Then brings it back up to look at me. Square in the eyes, I can see my reflection in her tears.

"I wanted to help you"
"Then why didn't you!? In the school life of survival, you chose to sacrifice me and save yourself"

"Why Treens why!?"

"Okay! Enough!" Jack steps between us.

'But this is important. Now that I'm finally able to speak for myself, Jack has to ruin my chance of ever getting justice'

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)"


"Hey! Pointy! Piss off, this is where my friends sit!"



"Get lost"

"Argh, so-orry"


"(Y/n) help!"

"Sorry, Treens"

~~End flashback~~

'I- I can't be like them. Pushing people, hurting people, not helping people. They...

They caused my pain. My suffering. How could I ever push that apon anyone else?'

"Treeny, I- you-"

'Here's something I want to know. If she really wanted to help me, why did she continue to hurt me, even after she was betrayed?'

"Treens, why did you keep going? If making me miserable was something you didn't want to do then- then why did you keep going? I need to know."

She walks towards me. I step back and away from her. She stops and breathes a breath.

"If I told you, you wouldn't care" She kicks the ground.

"I'm sure that severe bruising and assault are enough to make me atleast give it a chance" I step forward, showing my rights.

'My rights to care'

"When they turned on me, they thought I'd give in. And run back to you. 'Look at tree trunks over there, little hipocrit, talks smack but calls for the toothpicks at the first sign of danger'-"

I remember all the name calling. Toothpick, Vampire, sharp tooth, devil child, sharpie, draculas daughter. All names relating to my k9 teeth. But seriously, they're barely bigger than everyone elses.

"-but I wanted to prove them wrong"

Jack steps to my side and takes my hand in his. When we stand side by side you can really see the height difference. But whatever, he's not that tall.

"So your way of proving them wrong, was to be a bitch?"

'Couldn't have said it better myself, of wait, I can'

"Um, don't take that out of context but, what Seàn-"


"-Jack means is, your way of proving the wrong, was to treat me worse?"

"Well I, uh, had to be better in some way" She rubs her arm awkwardly.

"I remember school. Lord knows I can't forget it. But everyday, I would be a target for you. One day they'll nudge me in the shoulder, the next you'll push me, then they push me over a chair, then you push me into a river. It kept going, and going. And. Going."

"Look, I-"
"How did that make you feel? To see me endure so much pain, but still be able to push through, how did that make you feel?"

She looks at me. I can practically see the memories play in her irises. She knows what she did, why she did it, but I want to know how she felt when she did it.

Let me in (Jacksepticeye x Introvert!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat